2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Too young, 3 more weeks and it will be obvious,

Gerald Barker

Can someone tell me what color these 2 might be when they get older.The lady im buying them from isnt real sure on their color. She thinks black shoulder. I am just getting into raising them.

Can someone tell me what color these 2 might be when they get older.The lady im buying them from isnt real sure on their color. She thinks black shoulder. I am just getting into raising them.

They are Black Shouldered, however Black shoulder is not a color it is a pattern. The wings on a Black shoulder are solid color and the wings on a regular type are striped. Those could end up being any color of Black Shoulder, such as India Blue Black Shoulder, or Purple Black Shoulder, or Bronze Black Shoulder, or Opal Black Shoulder, etc...........
Hello everyone! I had 6 shipped eggs and 3 of them hatched
. I set them under a broody hen for about 18 days and then transferred them to an incubator. 2 hatched yesterday on day 26 and 1 today, day 27. They look great but they are really lazy, they are not standing much. Should I be concerned? They are in with my week old turkey poults and one chick who is the teacher for the turkeys. I have meatbird feed at a 22% protein level in there for feed. Any suggestions or insights would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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