2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Some that I tape at normal stance can't even get up to walk. They stand and take a step and fall so I do it gradually and they do much better. They seem to need to place their legs apart at first to get a better balance. I rarely have any that are like that but at least 2 a year. Pea chicks and keets seem to be the worst ones. Ducklings, turkeys and chicks just never seem to have this problem here.
Some that I tape at normal stance can't even get up to walk. They stand and take a step and fall so I do it gradually and they do much better. They seem to need to place their legs apart at first to get a better balance. I rarely have any that are like that but at least 2 a year. Pea chicks and keets seem to be the worst ones. Ducklings, turkeys and chicks just never seem to have this problem here.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's because we've domesticated ducks, turkeys, and chicks more than peafowl and guineas. Chickens, ducks, and turkeys through my experience can handle a wider range of humidity compared to peachicks. I have no experience with guineas.

Also what is the % of protein you feed the adults? Because the leg and feet problems can be issue of protein, vitamin B2 deficiency, and humidity problems.
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My peafowl eggs are not incubated in an incubator but rather under Silkie hens on pine shavings. The keets are hatched in my incubator though. The eggs are collected from free ranging Guineas, though the hens do come to eat supper at the barn every night. They spend more time ranging the farm for bugs and seeds. The peafowl are fed a game bird feed that is 19% protein.

19% protein and correct mineral fortification to promote optimum fertility, embryo development and egg production in all species of game birds. Feed continuously (free-choice) as the sole ration from day of first egg lay until completion of fertile egg laying cycle.

ETA: The peafowl also get Avian Super Pack vitamins in their water 3 to 4 times a week.
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My peafowl eggs are not incubated in an incubator but rather under Silkie hens on pine shavings. The keets are hatched in my incubator though. The eggs are collected from free ranging Guineas, though the hens do come to eat supper at the barn every night. They spend more time ranging the farm for bugs and seeds. The peafowl are fed a game bird feed that is 19% protein.

19% protein and correct mineral fortification to promote optimum fertility, embryo development and egg production in all species of game birds. Feed continuously (free-choice) as the sole ration from day of first egg lay until completion of fertile egg laying cycle.

ETA: The peafowl also get Avian Super Pack vitamins in their water 3 to 4 times a week.

Since it's so close to 20% I wouldn't think it would make too much of a difference but it could be. I haven't had any leg problems or feet issues since I fixed my humidity issue. My peafowl have a 22% protein. I've seen people will get 1 or 2 chicks that have a foot or leg problem when the humidity and everything else seem correct but feed is at an 18-20% protein range. In my opinion 20% protein or more is best for raising and breeding peafowl. Since your feed is so close to 20% I'm not sure if it should have that much of an effect. But it is possible. This is just my opinion and observation with my flock compared to a couple other flocks.
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Hi had 5 eggs in the hatcher 1 of the eggs pipped right underneath which i could not see when the hatched chicks were kicking the eggs about i noticed 1 egg would not mhatcherve or turn over so i opened the hatcher and noticed where it had pipped it had leaked out some liquid onto the egg at the bottom and where the pip point was the egg was stuck to the rubber mat i have in there when i pulled the stuck egg it revealed the pip point but the chick had shrink wrapped and died upon further inspection by opening the egg the membrane had wrapped around the fully developed chick and was quite dry how could the chick have shrink wrapped when i had the humidity on a constant 75% could it have been where the pip was at the bottom and stuck to the mat he couldnt breath and died but why would this shrink wrap the chick
Hi have hatched a few peas but a few eggs have been where the chick has fully developed but not hatched or pipped either this is what one of the eggtopsy's look like any ideas thanks

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