2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

Well, I just couldn't wait until day 7 to candle my eggs, so I candled them the last half of day 6. Hope I didn't ruin them.......I had a difficult time candling the brown eggs, but the white ones were easy to candle, and I could easily tell what was in them, the brown ones though......I couldn't tell for the life of me. Here are some pictures:




I think the first picture there is dead?? Expert help please.......

What happens if I just don't remove dead eggs? I can not tell which ones are dead or alive of the brown ones.

The first one is infertile/clear, but the rest are looking great! :)
Last quail is in brooder.

Needed incubator so I could lockdown my cream legbar, fcbm, and welsummer eggs.

Went put them in hatcher and I have internal pips already from the incubator. Shouldn't have hatched til sunday.

Maybe I put wrong day on calender.
*evil laugh* My dad just walked through into the kitchen with a couple of egg boxes in his hands (my Welsh Harlequins have started laying again) and asked "Why haven't you set these eggs yet?"- I'm now switching on bator #2 before he changes his mind lol.... :D
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I know what you mean, not wanting to kill any live embryos, I am a bit petrified of that too. I routinely smell inside the incubator to make sure nothing stinks, so I probably just won't remove anything. But then I don't want a Charlottes Web egg either......lol

This just makes me want to incubate only white or blue eggs, cuz I imagine blues are easy to see into. Maybe I'll just start hatching Cream Legbars and Ayam Cemanis
I find the blue and green eggs to be just as difficult to see into as the dark eggs.

Likely because the pigment goes completely throughout the shell. Unlike most brown eggs that have the pigment only as a coating.

I've actually found blue eggs the hardest to candle- when I hatched Cream Legbars last spring, I didn't know if any would actually hatch until they started pipping!
Yes, blue and green eggs are pretty tough.
Thanks for the comments, guys, I feel fairly certain the first one is infertile, but I won't remove it unless it stinks. Right now it all smells fine.

Aww, man, I thought light blue eggshells would be easier....:p Whatever, Ayam Cemanis then. LOL Maybe Icelandics. (I'm into the rare breeds)
My broody girl's eggs all look good but she had an extra egg under her the other day. I hadn't been checking under her so I had no clue how long it was there so I brought it in and threw it in the bator. It's from my production girl and it definitely has a little chick wiggling around in there. I'm just going to have to take a wild guess on lockdown lol
Well, my one Silkie who was laying went broody, and I couldn't change her mind. So she is setting on two of her own eggs; I have four of her eggs in the 'bator along with the shipped Silkie eggs and assorted large fowl eggs. I candled the two under "Snowball", and they look great for 6 days. Another of my Silkie pullets started laying a few days ago, such cute little eggs!

For the eggs in the 'bator ,I will be doing the second candling tonight, 14th day, hoping the air cells look good. The humidity has been on the high side - around 50% - even with the mini-dehumidifier, so I turned on the AC for a while and got the humidity down to 37%.

Cuz, don't be intimidated by blue eggs. I've been able to see them, and if you have a decent candler you'll be able to as well! The only ones that kept me guessing were BCMs. Good luck with your hatch!

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