2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

Hatch failed. Good luck to everyone else.
I'm so sorry
I hope you figure out what happened so you can have a more successful hatch next time! It is a lot of trial and error
Woohoo! We're all fighting over them now! One is still drying in the bator and I candled the giant egg and think it's catching up!



And Fiddle still prefers my company! She's like "Mom, who are these chickens? You know I'm a person right!"

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Good to know. Is yours Styrofoam?

No, I have one styro (which takes patience, lots of spare time, and high failure risk to use,) the one I made, which is a plastic tote with insulation added, and the cooler that I am borrowing from a friend.

I'm so sorry :hit  I hope you figure out what happened so you can have a more successful hatch next time! It is a lot of trial and error :confused:

Oh it hatched... Now come on pip #4 and #5! lol

Hope #6 makes it! Congrats on the rest!

I just checked on my broodie and found a fluffy light blue chick under her! The other egg is pipped, so maybe will hatch tonight.
That's awesome!

I was very happy with my hatch rate! I knew a few wouldn't make it, I'm just thankful for the ones that did.
And I'm hopelessly, breathlessly in love with them. Especially the last one that hatched, appropriately named 92. She has spent a lot of time on a various part of my body...nestled into my turtleneck, sitting on my shoulder, crawling up my lap underneath my shirt, in my shirtsleeves.
And then I can't wait to get some from you next year! Im so happy for you!
I would be in love with them too, they are adorable! How sweet! Thank you, I am so anxious! I just can't wait!

Congratulations to the ones having chicks hatch! Checking on my incubator every hour, waiting.... biting my nails.... pulling out my hair. Agh! The wait is horrendous!
I can't even imagine!

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