2018 Hatchalong

After 2 days of just laying on its side with its eyes closed, hardly moving, it started gasping for breath and liquid was coming out of its nostrils. Part of me had been hoping it was just more tired after hatching than the other two had been (I has it separate so it wouldn't be stepped on), but I figured there was something wrong with it. I tried to give it a chance, but I decided it was best to put the poor thing out of its misery.
After 2 days of just laying on its side with its eyes closed, hardly moving, it started gasping for breath and liquid was coming out of its nostrils. Part of me had been hoping it was just more tired after hatching than the other two had been (I has it separate so it wouldn't be stepped on), but I figured there was something wrong with it. I tried to give it a chance, but I decided it was best to put the poor thing out of its misery.
Poor little bugger. All you can do is give them a chance. You tried! :hugs

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