2020 BYC Calendar - We Need Your Pictures!

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Do Ducks count? This year for my birthday I told my daughter’s that all I want is a duck calendar! We couldn’t find one anywhere! I would be really cool if BYC also makes a duck calendar! I have some great pictures to submit if they do!

Do like I've done in the past and make your own duck calendar using your own photos. I did one of my chickens a few years ago. I've done others of my cats and dog, I used relatives photos to make some too as gifts. I use shutterfly.com to make mine.
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Can't imagine it's calendar quality, but I just love this pic of my girls!
I've already submitted my photos but wanted to share these photos with everyone. The photos were taken back in August 2017. I had 4 separated pens (3 chicken, 1 duck) until Nov 2018, now I have 1 large fenced area with a large main coop, a smaller pullet coop and a nursery coop. I have since sold the drake in the first 2 photos as part of a trio last year.

This was one of my drakes.

Same drake.

I still have this drake, 2 duck hens and now his duckling son.

His son with his 2 roommates. I'm not sure if I'll be keeping him, it depends on what the roommates are (praying females so I can keep).

Same babies.
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