Ended 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Cutest Couples Photo Contest—Poultry Edition

I appreciate that fluffy! 🥰 I have my teeny 7.9 ounce Clovie sitting on one egg right now. I’m excited about that! I did try to break the broodiness, but she was soooo determined. Here I go again… another one on the way! ❤️

Hopefully Clovie hatches a beautiful, healthy little chick! This is the year of the serama army, after all; that's probably why Clovie would not break;)
French Fry and Ravioli tend to hang out together a lot since Ravioli joined our flock last year. I think they are becoming close friends and I’m looking forward to watching their friendship blossom.
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2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series
Cutest Couples Photo Contest
Poultry Edition Edition
Ends on February 19th, 2024

The most romantic day of the year is fast approaching - Valentine's Day! To commemorate this great day, we would like you to take a photo of your favorite poultry pair. Whether roosters and hens, or best buds, we want to see what you have! So take out your cameras and show us your cutest couples for a chance to win an amazing prize!

It's easy to enter, just reply to this thread & attach (upload) a picture of your cutest poultry couple.


To increase your chances of winning, please read the rules before entering.
  1. Four entries per member. One photo per post, please.
  2. An entry is *one* photo of your domestic poultry pair.
  3. Domestic poultry only. Non-poultry may enter the Cutest Couples Photo Contest—"Other Critter" Edition.
  4. All domestic poultry is allowed (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, emus, etc.).
  5. Mixed domestic poultry pairs allowed (chicken & guinea fowl, turkey & peafowl, goose & duck, etc).
  6. Images that have been resized might be disqualified if they are too small to judge.
  7. No screenshots, watermarks, date stamps, text, etc., on the photo. No collages.
  8. The photo needs to have been taken by you.
  9. You cannot use a photo that won an award in another BYC-sponsored contest.
  10. High-quality images are recommended. Basic editing, such as cropping and other subtle changes, are allowed.
  11. ALL photos MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  12. Prizes are limited to one per person per contest.
  13. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  14. Entries will be accepted until February 19th, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Photography tips from fellow BYC members:
2023 Landfowl Winners
From left to right, photos by: @Faraday40, @JustBabyMargo, & @Chickengirl2671

2023 Waterfowl Winners
From left to right, photos by: @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Isadora, & @fatty and friends

2022 Landfowl Winners
From left to right, photos by: @em530, @Graphichick, @Chickstarrs, @TheTexasChickenGirl, & @LizzzyJo

2022 Waterfowl Winners

2022 Pigeon Winners


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