Ended 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Wattle I Do Without You?


My baby girl Mama! I love her because she gives me strength and it’s relieving to come home after a long day of chemistry for her to run up and beg me to pet her beard 😂
This is my sweet bantam, Fluffy. We bought her as a day old chick from TSC. My husband and I went there specifically to get Plymouth Rocks and they gave us her and her sister instead. It took about 2 weeks to realize they were actually bantams and then about two more months to figure out what in the world they were. Fluffy and her sister are bantam Barred Cochins. She pecks my feet every time I am near, until I pick her up! She also will not go into the coop by herself at night and sits on the perch directly next to the coop and waits to be placed on the roost by a human😂

She is such a character! We always joke that she is actually a human in a chicken’s body lol!
This is my favorite call duck Remi. She was one of the call girls given to me by a special lady i met here on byc through @WVduckchick and her thread Welcome to the pond. I also had the pleasure of meeting @WVduckchick and her hubby on that dux smuggling vacation. We had the best time and i will never forget it! 😍
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Dux smuggling 🤣🤣 it was a blast.
Hard to believe that was almost 5 years ago. Remi looks awesome, such a sweetheart. :love
I’ve had a few “favorites” over the years, but George will always be in the top of the list.
This is my beautiful George:

I drove a few hours to pick him up in 2016 (from another member here) when he was just a few weeks old, to head my bantam cochin flock.

Over the years, he has had countless wives and fathered hundreds of babies! Many eggs have been shipped all over the country, so he probably still has offspring out there! Lol.
I eventually sold my whole flock of bantam cochins, but couldn’t let George go with them. These days, he hangs out with my dog, cats, ducks and a few other free-range mixed chickens.

Just a few weeks ago, he fathered a few more chicks with Nova, and is being his usual wonderful fatherly self. He’s the best flock master ever, always first to alert when hawks fly over. I’ve even witnessed him chasing hawks away and getting everyone to safety. He will live here as long as he wants, and I’ll never forget him when he’s gone.

This is a RANDOM Winner Contest...

Do you have a favorite bird? Maybe she's extra friendly and comes running when she sees you, or she's the biggest character in the flock. Maybe she was a rescue chicken, or you hatched her yourself! Tell us about your favorite bird!


It's easy to enter, just reply to this thread with up to four pictures of your favorite domestic poultry, and you will be entered for a chance to win!

To increase your chances of winning, please read the rules before entering.
  1. Four entries per member. One entry per post, please.
  2. An entry is one picture of your domestic poultry and a blurb about why they hold a special place in your heart.
  3. All domestic poultry is allowed (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, pigeons, doves, etc.).
  4. The photo needs to have been taken by you.
  5. You cannot use a photo that won an award in another BYC-sponsored contest.
  6. High-quality images are recommended. Basic editing, such as cropping and other subtle changes, are allowed.
  7. ALL photos MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  8. Prizes are limited to one per person per contest.
  9. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  10. Entries will be accepted until February 16th, 2024, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Note: We will use a random number generator to select our winners for this Contest.

Photography tips from fellow BYC members:


My three waddle pals. 2 can keep up, one isnt sure, and is hanging back.... Waddle I ever do without them on a beautiful day!?
Dux smuggling 🤣🤣 it was a blast.
Hard to believe that was almost 5 years ago. Remi looks awesome, such a sweetheart. :love
She is the friendliest out of all of them. I have to be careful not to step on her. When i go to fill a swimming pan she jumps in before i even start the water. I have learned to put the hose in and then go back to turn the water on or she makes sure I get a bath too 🤣

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