21st Century Incubator in development. Need feedback/volunteers!

" As built, the maximum heater power output is 20 Watts... which is adequate for a small to medium (10-40) size clutch of eggs arranged in a single layer. It is also possible to increase the power by adding an external heating element."

if I am not mistaken a LG is 25 watts. so this is smaller then an LG???

here are a few of my resource I have been using in my quest for a 21st century bator







about a one cubic ftoot bator I just had a fairly sucessful hatch with I was using 120 watts incandesant bulbs shielded when I opened the door to turn the eggs this amount of heat recovered quickly without overshooting the target temp. I tried different amounts wattage wise I settled on 3 40 wat bulbs HTH
MMMM not necessarily smaller, less power is more like it. I think you are closer to how it will effect the performance of an incubator with the recovery comment.
gotta check out your links now. nice thread
So I suppose I started a debate here. Here is the story. What I am talking about is an actual finished product. As far as I know, people have parts and ideas right now. I am trying to bring it all together for the betterment of everyone, while trying desperately to keep it affordable, using some purchased components and some home grown components. Sure, you can buy MTM scientific's board and you have a heater with a built in stat. That would be one component of it. However, getting other sensors, controls and timers to work intelligently and logically together is another story. All while providing feedback to the user in an easy to understand fashion. Plus, there will definitely be other options that are not available on any other incubator in the world concerning modularity.

Without spending months on developing, I am trying to wrap in as many suggestions as possible, for example a poster just mentioned an O2 sensor....interesting. Scope creep....I am already behind the 8-ball.

I like all the feedback, both negative and positive. It makes me look at all aspects. Keep your comments coming!

Just to clarify a few points. I am not talking about assembling this unit and throwing into a box and calling it my own. I am talking about using this as a component of the finished product, with some modifications to this part as well. The centerpiece is not shown. The centerpiece would be the brains of the entire operation. Using programmable controllers to monitor everything from schedule of turning the eggs to counting days till hatch, when to notify the user that things aren't right (outside of acceptable limits), and providing important data to a LCD. I can actually buy something that has about 2/3 of the features I want for about $600. I applaud those that can "do it themselves", because that is what I do. However, how many of those people are actually #1 able to do it, #2 willing to do it, and #3 willing to share it for a fraction of the cost? That's my point I suppose. Connecting the thinking and the doing together is the biggest obstacle. I'm going back to work
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I was looking through the links above and found the thermostat circuits. gotto go there!!! I was wondering if anyone knows of or would know how to go about finding a circuit or schematic for a temperature or even better temp and humidity, Data Logger. This is something I personally am interested in for doing my experimenting. not something I am suggesting be added to the development of Jason's system.

Jason, As for starting anything. I mentioned to you through PM some of the things I have done in regard to Penturning. Trust me when I say there will always be those that have some sort of resistance to change or innovation. For anyone reading this do not edit that to be a negative thing. it just exists like air. I have been strongly resisted in some of the things I have tried. I have been accused of taking food out of the mouths of Children. No kidding those where the exact words. Because I was going to sell Super glue at non profit prices. i was also told I would put suppliers out of business and was I ready to support the entire demand of the entire industry. Good Lord I wish I was that good of a business manager. I would own the world. and the complaints just go on and on. I am saying this just to let you know. expect it. There are those that want the tried and true, and they have their purpose amongst us. somebody has to feed all those children that the owners of the businesses have. In the case of the penturners I always see the resistance as a genuine heartfelt concern for the well being of the craft. they do not want to see anything happen that would harm it and it is not all that strongly supported hobby. But in 7 years with my and many others efforts. penturning has gone from a largely ignored craft to one that is being specifically focused on by both manufacturers and suppliers alike. We simply set out to get what they would not supply for us, they saw this and reacted. For the most part the companies only needed to be shown that penturners would pay premium prices for premium goods and that threshold has been pushed far beyond what anyone thought it would be. In effect would people pay $250 for an incubator that really works every time. My experience says in a heart beat. The situation they are in now is to blow $100 on this piece of junk or that one and doing their level best to determine which is the lesser piece of junk.

I was looking through the links above and saw the Resistor heater strip. I am planning on getting a 12v DC power supply today and while I am there I want to get some resistors. I will play around with what they will do as far as heating my bator and let you know. might be a great way to run a heater from your thermostat. I am interested in testing all sorts of systems and basically logging the performance. not a better or worse thing just data.
I am trying to help with new ideas without killing your timeline. Again I am very very excited about what you have shared with me through PM.
we have a lot of flea markets / thrift stores in our area that sell junk computers cheap ( $1 - $10 ) each one has a power supply and a coupla of muffin fans the rest of it goes to a junkman friend of mine that and I also have a freind who works on computers and he calls and ask's if I want stuff all the time good luck
aprophet, I work for a university. They toss out computers by the pallet load. They also have a huge bin of components at the physics department. Most if it I have no idea what it is but I do know they have whole rolls of resistors in there and I am sure I could find all the pots and other stuff from the links above. I have no idea how to design anything. i can put the pieces together but cannot even really read an entire schematic anymore. show me a picture of a circuit board and I would be better off. usually I manage to toss together enough information from various sources to eventually get something done. In a computer for example. I know there has to be some circuit that supplies the 12 volts for the fan. but I have no idea which one it is. so I take the fan and leave the rest.
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