23 ducklings in one clutch?!

Maybe trying to keep all those ducklings in line will tire Grandma out and she'll allow the other Mama to help out. I wonder though after learning about communal nests if they both go back to the nest at night and sit together with the ducklings. Surely one duck can't keep 25 ducklings warm and protected all night by herself.
You would be surprised at how many can fit underneath them! Here's an example using a chicken and some kittens:

You would be surprised at how many can fit underneath them! Here's an example using a chicken and some kittens:

That's funny! But 25 is still so many so i'm hoping at some point she allows the other Mama to help her out. She was dozing off earlier in the sun today while the 25 ducklings were all scattered about her so she's going to need help or they're going to get picked off quickly.
Similar situation here. I candled around 10 eggs at 2 weeks. Day 27 I finally catch Taffy off the nest again and there were 2 layers of eggs! Pipped, dropdown, just veining, and fresh laid. I've been missing eggs.... now I know there is a coop thief.

I pulled the underdeveloped eggs. She has 5 ducklings as of now and still sitting. (Plus Toffee left the coop with 7 a few days ago, and now has 9.)
I gave 3 Muscovy ducks 5 eggs each in 2016 Runner and Buff and Muscovy, each girl hatched all 5 each. well 3 weeks into the rearing 2 of the girls decided they were through so what does Dolly #3 do she takes on the other 10 and has 15 ducklings with her for another 3 weeks. The cutest thing was her walking and those little things following in a straight line behind her
15 was a bunch I cannot image 25 lol
I gave 3 Muscovy ducks 5 eggs each in 2016 Runner and Buff and Muscovy, each girl hatched all 5 each. well 3 weeks into the rearing 2 of the girls decided they were through so what does Dolly #3 do she takes on the other 10 and has 15 ducklings with her for another 3 weeks. The cutest thing was her walking and those little things following in a straight line behind her
15 was a bunch I cannot image 25 lol
Did she successfully raise all 15 of them? As good a Mama as she is, I worry that 25 is just too much of an undertaking for her. I haven't seen her this morning yet, but I have seen the other Mama who's still acting broody lowering her head and fanning out her tail. I fed her some scraps and she went on her way...probably back to Grandma and the babies.
Hopefully NOT.
I used to think like that but the reality is that the predators have to eat too and after all it is the circle of life and food chain and all that. So i've grown to accept it as part of nature and while it's still upsetting to see ducklings picked off, I understand it's just how the animal world works. And besides....25 grown Muscovies coming to my back patio each day would be a nightmare lol.
Grandma was back right after I finished posting a few minutes ago lol. It looks like all 25 are still with her and I threw some cockatiel seeds out for them and they seem to love it. Grandma got some bread...I know it's not the best for them, but she needs a full belly and to keep up her strength to care for all those little ones.

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