24 weeks and no eggs?

Checking the pliability and width of pelvic bones to estimate when laying will begin:
Securely hold the chicken in a standing up position with her body under your arm and her tail facing you.
Lift her tail to find the vent
Palpate just beneath her vent, about 2-3 finger-widths down, to find the points of her pubic bones
Feel the area between the two bones. If the cartilage is soft and you can fit 2-3 fingers comfortably in the space then you'll be getting eggs soon. If you can only fit 1-2 finger in between the bones and it feels tight, then you're looking at a longer wait.
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I have 12 pampered hens at 24 week. 3 bufforp, 3 Rhode, 3 australorp3, and 3 wyandotte.

We got 1 egg so far, just yesterday!!!!!!

(I also have 40 more separate chickens)

The advertisement and usual start dates are often spot on, but just because youre s few weeks late, like mne, theres no need to panic. Mine are usually on time- but these are late... go figure.

I am nearly certain youre not dealing with a roo. They develop much differently by week 24.
This is old, but I have 6 buff Orpington hens. Most of them have at least one sign of laying. Most of them have red waddles, one of them squats a little, and they are at 23/24 weeks. I am dying for eggs. They free-range and have a good coop, with some windows that let in some nice light during the day they bathe in. When should I expect eggs? I set up a nesting box with golf balls but nothing...I really don't want to have to wait until spring!! This is their first year, so do you think that even with the darkening days they will lay?

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