$2550 vet bill

Most veterinarians, and especially most younger veterinarians, have huge debt from college, families, and then the clinics have large overhead to pay, and nobody there is making tons of money!

Yup, it's tough for vets, especially while they're trying to get established somewhere. My sister in law finished vet school last year. That's 12 years of schooling (she originally had a different major and switched over) with the last several years costing $100k a year. And now that she's out, she has 3 years of internship in order to specialize in dermatology, and the clinic pays minimum wage for that period. 15 years of having little to no income... not surprising that most graduating vet students have massive debts or were lucky enough to come from families who could afford the fees plus the cost of supporting them through it.
I don't understand blasting a person because for that individual, that particular animal was worth more than $9.95. And because it's 'just a chicken', it was worth it to the OP.

There was no blasting as far as I am concerned. I just could hardly believe a vet clinic would charge that amount for a chicken treatment and was trying to understand how this horrendous sum came about.
And the comparison between fees charged for services in different countries can hardly be seen as blasting.

But anyway, the OP still has not answered my question: For how long did the chicken stay in the clinic and how and what exactly was she treated for?

Yes my chicken is worth quite a bit to me. If I have the money then I can spend it however and wherever I want. It didn't cause a hardship on me

Each to their own and of course everyone is entitled to do whatever they want and to spend their money however they feel the need to. This has never been put into question.
There was no blasting as far as I am concerned. I just could hardly believe a vet clinic would charge that amount for a chicken treatment and was trying to understand how this horrendous sum came about.
Have you ever had a cat, horse, or dog in a vet hospital for an extended period of time?
The vet that I see is a country vet and while he does not normally see chickens he has his own chickens so that’s why he treats mine so cheaply I think Plus I’m located in a small town in South Carolina so everything is a lot cheaper here than other places.
It helps to have an established relationship with a vet. When you do, you're more likely to get discounts like this.

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