2nd grade in chicken school

I have a pullet who will go in and out of every single nest box at least twice before she settles down to lay an egg. Then she sits there for at least 1-3 hours before she finally lays one. She's not in a hurry for anything but treats :)
As for the poop.... Idk :confused:
My chickens poo everywhere I have to walk, and anywhere I might possibly sit. We call them the poop troop :D
And welcome to BYC!! :frow If you have any questions about anything at all feel free to ask. There's always someone around here more than happy to help! :)
We are using Apple Cider Vinegar in their water, DE for dusting in the coops and run, Purina food, unmedicated.

Welcome! Don't worry. You'll go years without accomplishing anything other than chicken stuff. :lol:

If some of your girls are starting to lay and you're still feeding Start and Grow, do remember to put out some oyster shells (free choice in a SEPARATE container) so the new layers have a good source of calcium.

Here's some more information about DE, which isn't great for chicken lungs or human lungs either.


Yeah, that poop can be an issue. Our last flock loved to hang out on the downstairs patio, under the deck. I eventually put a chicken wire fence around it and that worked pretty good. It wasn't a tall fence, just about 3 feet, but that was enough. I am trying to train this new flock to stay off. Heh! Training a chicken is an exercise in patience, to say the least.
Some girls will take a long time to lay an egg, and carry on , singing out their victory song to the world. Others get in there and get the job done and don't do much squawking. Some girls will sing when someone else lays an egg. they are all different and it is all fun.

So Lucky, how do you train your chickens? I am also having fence problems, except my fence is almost five feet tall! Also, my OEG bantam Pullet can for through most of the gaps and spaces in our old fence.

So Lucky, how do you train your chickens? I am also having fence problems, except my fence is almost five feet tall! Also, my OEG bantam Pullet can for through most of the gaps and spaces in our old fence.

You can put a layer of hardware cloth 2ft, 3ft or 4ft around the perimeter of the fence to cover the gap. Also, aviary net over the top of their run will prevent escapes.

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