2wk old chicks need light still??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 3, 2010
Northern Colorado
Question, we have three 2wk old chicks and are wondering if it's okay to remove the lamp from the brooder? What do you think?
We keep them inside our home which gets down to 64degrees.....
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Absolutely still need the light. They will need it until at least 8 weeks, depending on their feathering.

You can adjust it up a bit for a lower temp, as they need about 5 degrees less weekly. You should need about 90 degrees F now.
Thanks, that's what we figured but wanted to double check...think we found a way to shine it on our 2day olds and the 2wk olds, separate bins, sharing light though.
My house gets down to as low as 67 degrees... I have the heat lamp off from 8am until whenever the sun starts going down, then I plug it back in. They are not overly noisy during the day, and don't huddle up together until the sun starts going down... I think it depends on the breed and what you are feeding them. I give mine an extra boost during the first week of life: take the yolks from a couple medium to hard boiled egg, mash it with a little water and their medicated feed. It gives them added fats and protein for better quicker growth and in some cases - faster feathering.
I mix mine after they leave the incubator, with little 6" square boxes on their sides for the little chicks to hang out in, placed in the hottest part of the brooder. It is also possible to divide a brooder with cardboard.

Good luck!
hmmmm...that's an interesting idea, the little boxes to escape to.. i was planning on waiting a week or two to introduce them.. you really think it's possible for me to put my 2day olds in with my 2wk olds if they have a small place to escape to?
Really can't separate the brooder well, given the space the feeders/waters take up and we just have them in a rubbermaid.

Thank you for your input

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