3 birds died in 6 months


Mar 26, 2022
Looking for advice,
We had 8 laying hens but over the course of the winter have lost 3 and I fear another one soon. These are 3.5 old birds. Egg production has decreased but we assumed due to it being winter and they are indoors more.
The first bird seemed rather sudden, one morning we went in as normal and she was lame. We separated her from the rest but she couldn’t even stand and was humanely put down.
2 months later we notice another bird seeming ill, this time, her comb was bent over and she seemed a bit swollen. She also walked with her tail down and looked like a penguin. We thought she must be egg bound and treated her with a warm bath every 2 hours and Epsom salts, gave her calcium and had her warm in a kennel in our basement. Still we were unsuccessful in keeping her alive and within a few days she passed.
2 months of so later again same symptoms as the second bird but we thought they mustn’t all be egg bound? We again tried but no luck.
We have sanitized the coop and run but we are at a loss. We have new chicks that have arrived and I have not put them out in fear this is a disease and I don’t want to expose them. Is there anything I can do? We’ve been told to euthanize the rest of our older birds in case it’s a disease and deep clean the coop before the new birds go out. Any advice would be so so appreciated thanks
The first bird seemed rather sudden, one morning we went in as normal and she was lame.

2 months later we notice another bird seeming ill, this time, her comb was bent over and she seemed a bit swollen. She also walked with her tail down and looked like a penguin. We thought she must be egg bound

2 months of so later again same symptoms as the second bird but we thought they mustn’t all be egg bound?
Welcome To BYC
Where are you located in the world?
What do you feed including treats?

Without necropsy it's hard to know why they died. If you lose another, refrigerate the body and send it to your state lab.

It would be speculation on our part, but the symptoms you describe are very similar to reproductive disorders. Cancer, tumors, EYP, Salpingitis, etc. can be common in laying hens. Heartbreaking for sure.
Welcome To BYC
Where are you located in the world?
What do you feed including treats?

Without necropsy it's hard to know why they died. If you lose another, refrigerate the body and send it to your state lab.

It would be speculation on our part, but the symptoms you describe are very similar to reproductive disorders. Cancer, tumors, EYP, Salpingitis, etc. can be common in laying hens. Heartbreaking for sure.
We are in Ontario Canada! And thank you for the warm welcome! This is our first flock and haven’t had many problems thus far. They are on a medicated layer feed. And get scratch maybe once a week. My worry is about my new chicks and if I could expose them to contagious disease
How swollen was she, I hope it's not avian flu that can cause birds to become ill very quickly and get swollen. But if you're in Canada I'm not sure if it is as bad as it has been in the US
I wouldn’t say she was huge but I noticed she looked bigger. Like she was full. There’s been a bout a 2 month gap between each death. Some seemed to be noticeable I’ll for a week and a half give or take. I’m nervous for my new chicks in the run/ coop
I wouldn’t say she was huge but I noticed she looked bigger. Like she was full. There’s been a bout a 2 month gap between each death. Some seemed to be noticeable I’ll for a week and a half give or take. I’m nervous for my new chicks in the run/ coop
Ok if she was sick before for a weekish I would rule out bird flu, thankfully

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