3 culled feed store chicks. . .

Make sure that they are all eating and drinking. Sometimes, the babies just don't get it at first. Sav a chick is a great source of vitamins and electrolytes for new babies and it can really make a difference. You may have to show them how to eat and drink. Dip their little beaks into the water...they will tip their beak back to drink. Do this several times. As for the food, sprinkle some on the ground and using your finger, pretend to peck and stratch around.

I don't think TSC takes the time to teach each and every chick how to eat and drink so they get unnoticed. I hope this helps and your chicks start feeling better.
Thank you!
I bought some sav-a-chick and put it in their water tonight. They are all eating and drinking, but seem lethargic.
Is it a logical possibility that they might be getting injured by the older chicks? You know how they all walk all over each other when someone's passed out asleep on the floor. Doesn't seem probable since all my previous chicks have done such things with no ill effects. The older chicks are standard breeds though and the puny ones are banties.
Thanks for the advice. I feel like the only thing I can do is wait and watch for clues.
Just in case, move the little ones to their own brooder. If you had the other ones longer, it's possible that the little ones got something from the older. If the sav a chick doesn't work, I would treat for coccidia...
I might of missed what type of bedding they are in, but I would put down white paper towels and sprinkle food on the towels. They can eat the particles of bedding and not be getting the nutrients they need. They eat the sawdust or whatever and get stopped up. Make sure there is no pasty bum too. I would separate the little chick with one other chick to keep it company and hopefully it will teach the survivor to eat and drink
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I have lost another chick and one of the standard breeds is droopy now, too.
What I am doing:
Sulmet in the water along with Sav-A-Chick (is it okay to mix?)
Good ventilation, no draft, heat lamp. Everyone is spaced around nicely, not too hot or cold
Medicated crumbles
Tetracycline individually for an older chick that is a little wheezy
Hand watering the latest droopy bird. Tried to feed it some scrambled egg, but it won't easily take it.

Trying to stop this trainwreck. I've watched to see if I can monitor every chick's poo. I had seen some rusty colored poops that made me suspect coccidia and I hope that the Sulmet will work.
Thanks for any and all information. This place is a godsend for people like me who are still on the steep learning curve.
Sulmet is good but if you could get some corrid, I've found that works even better. I don't think that I would put anything in the water along with the medication. If you would like to give vitamins, I would suggest poly vi sol without iron. You can give each chick one drop per day. I hope things start looking up for you. Can you get a sample to a vet to see what's going on?

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