3 day old chick not eating

Hi guys,

I have a 3 day old barred rock chick which is refusing to eat or drink unless I physically make it. It is able to stand, but prefers to sleep and does not run around like my other chick. Its chirps are quite weak, is there anything I can do?
So far, ive given it sugar water and egg yolk.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated

Please go to the feed store and get some electrolyte mix. Also buy the baby chick fine crumbles. Medicated if you had n injections before shipping, UNmedicated if the hatchery did injections (it will be on your bill of loading). Keep this baby separate at nite AND most of the days until it is strong enough, but within the main enclosure. Make sure your heat lamp temp is correct. I had one like that and another (failure to thrive) FTT. I put them in a box within the enclosure that houses their buddies so there was no competition for food or drink. And no problem reintroducing them later. Like a boot box size but higher sides. I cut a little opening in one side. In the day time I turned it around so they could see their pals, at night the open side was against the “wall” of the enclosure so they could rest and not have to compete for heat. I watered them with drops of my fingers every 2-4 hours or when they chirped at me. Now at 4 months, Lucia & Spackles (he had pasty but all the time- you have to
Check for that twice a day) are finally catching up and are full size. They stayed almost bantam size for a long time but survived just fine.
when I started letting them Re mingle with the others it was usually for 1-2 hrs. They exhausted pretty quickly.
At a hatchery these gals would have both died by natural selection. You will have super tame chickens if they make it!

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