3 day old chick, not well

May 9, 2023
2 out of 3 of our Rhode Island Reds died this morning. The third one is currently being isolated and is very lethargic- can barely hold her head up and cannot walk. One leg seemed to be weak, now both are not doing well. When I dip her beak in the water, she drinks just fine, but will not eat. She has also developed shaking her head every few seconds. She is still chirping, though. I tried posting a video, but it says the file type is invalid. I posted a picture, though. If Any ideas on how I can help this chick or should I just make her comfortable for now?
That’s good. It sounds like coccidiosis, which is found in nearly every chicken coop in the world. It can wipe out lots of chicks at a time. You can try feeding her a little bit of raw egg yolk, if you want. I don’t know too much about coccidiosis, since I got vaccinated birds, but I would advise looking into it. There’s plenty of threads on here about it. Good luck!
Go to your local farm store and get some Corid to fight it. I had never had to deal with it until I got some meat birds, and I think that that is what was killing them. I used an all natural remedie, but Corid is designed specifically for coccidiosis.

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