3 month old Buff Orpington, do we have a Roo?

Ya we are in FL and the coop has an automatic door that opens at 7:15 and closes at 9:00pm. They usually go in around 8-8:30pm and come out in the morning right when the door opens. They currently spend very little time in the actual coop, but they are still just pullets/cockerels.
As long as the run remains accessible, that setup will probably work for 6-8 chickens. But if they need to stay inside the coop for several days in a row (maybe because of a hurricane), you are more likely to see problems if you have more chickens. There is no guarantee that you will have problems or that you won't, just more likely or less likely in some situations than others.
Yeah that’s more suitable for around 5 or maybe 6 but it MIGHT work for 8 since the run is bigger. All just depends on your individual birds. You may not have problems or you might like was mentioned.

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