3 month old chick not growing

I feed Kambach chick starter. And give these two little ones lots of extra treats meal worms, scrambled eggs, and some fruits trying to beef them up.

They don’t act sickly at all and they are some of the feistiest when you pick them up just wasn’t sure what to do to help them the rest of the flock is gotten quite bigger and I don’t want them picked on cause they are easy targets but don’t want to separate them as I’m afraid J won’t be able to intergrate them back in later
I would ease up on the treats - they could be lacking in certain vitamins and minerals bc when given a choice, chickens will choose treats over their food. Limit the treats so they eat more of their nutrient enriched food. It’s kind of like giving a toddler the choice between candy or whole nutrient dense foods -‘sure the candy will bulk them up, but they will still be malnourished bc they’re not getting all the nutrition required to grow.
Bantams will look itty bitty next to standard size chickens. I have bought Feather Fixer from TSC to help with my rescue bantams & its made a big difference. I agree with the other posts above me for sure though. They are looking rough. There’s some great advice given here, I would definitely follow up on it. 😊
Here's what I feed all my chicks.

The UltraKibble is a Ration that gets mixed into their food.

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