3 month old cornish-cross...male or female?

Somebody gave this bird today. I think it is about 3-4 months old. Is it a male or female? It's my first corn-x, so I'm kind of clueless.

Is this the Cornish crossed with White Plymouth Rock that they use for commercial meat chickens?
I'm 99% sure it is the ubiquitous production meat bird you see all over. That's the cornish-white rock, correct?

Yes, a Light Cornish crossed with a White Plymouth Rock.

From what I understand, those commercial meat birds are supposed to have too large a chest to breed naturally and are not good egg layers. They also usually do not live long. They are usually butchered at about 8 weeks old.

Are you planning to keep the chicken or butcher it?
I'm planning to eat it next week. I may stretch that out a few more weeks to go for maximum size. Knowing the sex is just for my personal interest.
I'm planning to eat it next week. I may stretch that out a few more weeks to go for maximum size. Knowing the sex is just for my personal interest.

I see. I was wondering why you wanted to know the gender of a Cornish cross.

I have never seen a Cornish cross older than 8 weeks old. They are all big, though.

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