3 week old chick

No she is fine with the grown up chicken but these little goodies are just like powder puffs. They will be bite size for her so I'll rather not keep them in the house together or close the door where Tweety sleeps or ranges. It's stunning how fast they get going once they started feeding. I had another one that was week. I held it for a day but than it started terrorizing me screaming like it was due to be slaughtered so I put it back. funny enough that one the hen took back but the little sibling I have with me now caused a real hazzard. If the weather get's better I will give it a try with the cage in the cage to make them get used to each other.
Chicken Namibia. What season are you in now? I was actually replying to the OP and didn't see yours so was picturing summer weather in the US. Sounds like us you are in winter though?

I wouldn't put it out in winter alone if its only little. Cold will kill it. You may just have to keep it somewhere warmer till the weather improves enough for it to go out.

The mother may never accept it back. I had a sick one about 6 months old who was seperated from the others for only 3 days. The others all pecked at it when I put it back in and it went suddenly to the bottom of the pecking order. Your little chick may have been forgotten too and putting it back in is going to be just like adding a new chick.
I agree with appps the hen probably won't take it back. You might actually have to take another chick out in order to keep this chick social. I don't know if that's a good idea but someone else may have a different opinion. I hope it all works out,
Hi Appps, yes we are in winter, but at the coast we do have a weather fenomenon called east wind. These are desert winds were we have the most fabulous warm days and sunshine. Than again we have normal days with mist and cold. I am aware of the fact that I can not put it out during the cold days but my husband is building a little cage to put into the cage of the rest where it is safe from any attacks but has company. This we will only do when it is warm. Otherwise it is inside in a huge plastic bowl with sand and food and water. His mummy is a dust mob out of ostrich feathers and a hot water bottle or when it gets too lonely and tweets than he hides in my hand. This is of cause a situation that makes my life hard since I do not get my tour operating work done, but I've got no alternative I am not willing to give it up
The mom did not want it back yesterday she tackled the little one, so if I put her back than only protected from attacks. I'll keep you guys posted, promise
the suggestion of putting one of the other chicks with it is probably a good idea. I only had one chick and was told it would have social issues but also he was lonely. This might mean that you can get some work done. Not sure how mother hen will take it now though.
the suggestion of putting one of the other chicks with it is probably a good idea. I only had one chick and was told it would have social issues but also he was lonely. This might mean that you can get some work done. Not sure how mother hen will take it now though.
I was going to say the same thing as you LittleChick12, I agree with the other recommendation of putting another chick in with that one. That seems to be best option in your situation! Good luck!
I will do so once he can join them in his own little cage. Maybe than the hen looses track who is who. In the evenings when I take little Tweety in I will release the other chick again to join the group. Let's see maybe we can re socialize the whole bundle. I am just scared that mother hen will than push away both. That will not really help the process.
If mother hen won't accept one its nice to at least let it have someone else for company. If that one then isn't accepted you can raise them together and re introduce them back once they're bigger, even if they're at the bottom of the pecking order. Although someone else might have some suggestions on how to get your one chick accepted again.

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