3 Week Old Chicks Dying Suddenly


Jun 15, 2022
This morning I walked out to my 3 week old chicks pen, as always to turn the heat lamp off and check on them. I immediately noticed some dead ones in the back where they sleep. Then I noticed a couple others that aren't doing well either. They seemed fine yesterday, when I feed them the white clover I finely cut for them each day. I did however replace the heat lamp bulb with one not so hot because I'd noticed them staying back from it at night. Besides that, they've had fresh water, and feed daily. When I picked up the dead ones, they seemed a little skinny. Then I picked up the two poorly acting ones and they seem a little poor also for some reason. I picked up a few other and they feel ok.
I know we've had lots of rain and the front of their pen has been wet. I went ahead and put them in another pen that is fresh and gets more of a breaded. I'm really stumped, as to the exact reason why. I have a couple ideas, but really not sure. Do any of you Know why?
I am stumped. It may be a sign of worms but I haven't heard of worms in chicks this young. Try putting apple cider vinegar and garlic in their water or vetrx. Vetrx will help if you think it is an illness and apple cider vinegar will help if it's worms or an internal infection.
I have both Vetrx, and apple cider vinegar. I did put some wormer in their water. I'm sure stumped, it it appears two more will die today. I'm kind of wondering if the white clover and plantain may of had something to do with it. I did actually feed some to them twice yesterday. Who knows, I could have gotten something else in it when I pulled it and cut it up.
I am stumped. It may be a sign of worms but I haven't heard of worms in chicks this young. Try putting apple cider vinegar and garlic in their water or vetrx. Vetrx will help if you think it is an illness and apple cider vinegar will help if it's worms or an internal infection.
You'd notice if the chickens were failing with worms.
Unfortunatly, Apple cider vinegar and garlic won't to a single blessed thing for worms. And Garlic would have to very concentrated to maybe help an infection, it would Burn the chicks. Vet rx is simply Vicks rub for chickens, it's more a placebo.
This morning I walked out to my 3 week old chicks pen, as always to turn the heat lamp off and check on them. I immediately noticed some dead ones in the back where they sleep. Then I noticed a couple others that aren't doing well either. They seemed fine yesterday, when I feed them the white clover I finely cut for them each day. I did however replace the heat lamp bulb with one not so hot because I'd noticed them staying back from it at night. Besides that, they've had fresh water, and feed daily. When I picked up the dead ones, they seemed a little skinny. Then I picked up the two poorly acting ones and they seem a little poor also for some reason. I picked up a few other and they feel ok.
I know we've had lots of rain and the front of their pen has been wet. I went ahead and put them in another pen that is fresh and gets more of a breaded. I'm really stumped, as to the exact reason why. I have a couple ideas, but really not sure. Do any of you Know why?
I'm sorry for your losses! Does the bulb say shatterproof anywhere? Some bulbs leach Teflon fumes which are toxic to chickens.
I'm sorry for your losses! Does the bulb say shatterproof anywhere? Some bulbs leach Teflon fumes which are toxic to chickens.
The real hot bulb I've been using, I've used for other chicks as well. The not so hot bulb is one of many I've had used for other chicks as well...plus I bought these 150's at Cackle Hatchery. So, I'm sure the bulbs aren't an issue.
I have been noticing a lot of chicks huddling and sleeping a lot more then usual. I kind of chalked it up to the heat, maybe there's something more to it then I realize.
I've raised chicks all my life. I've feed the same feed, and used the same heat lamps for many others for years. Yes, it's been extremely hot in the 90's and humid as well. I turn the heat lamp off during the day because it's so hot and humid. Plus, they don't get around it during the day.
I'm actually new to this part of the country. I've never had to deal with so much rain, and wet ground. I have mulch in the pen to help keep them off of wet ground. Plus, I know there is mold in the air around here from all the rain. However, they're not showing any respatory issues. I'm thinking if could be some kind of parasites from them scratching in the wet ground at the front of their pen, but who knows. There were 37 chicks, in a 4 ft by 10 ft pen, so I know they weren't too crowded either.
What brand and type of feed are you feeding? Is their brooder inside? If it's outside how hot is it there? What does their poop look like any blood or abnormalities?

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