
O4U I have read some of your posts on other threads and I know that you are young...and that is good. I will tell you upfront that the most important thing that you can do is hold on to all of your hopes and dreams no matter what. Situations and life may change them somewhat, but never lose hope and faith in yourself. I am an old guy who remembers very well going through the exact same things, as I am sure many others have also. In high school I was a horrible student and like you,the one thing I never could get was math. When I did go to college it only took me several months before I was asked to leave. If you were to ask anyone in my family or any of my friends back then what would become of me I am sue that most would have said that I would just have some kind of menial job. I can tell you that was not the case. It did take me a while, but through it all I never lost faith in myself and I knew that I could excel one day...and I did. I eventually realized that I may have been "dumb" in math but I was really smart in other things. Math always was hard so I knew that I would need to work hard just to get the basics. Eventually I graduated college and then law school and became successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams, except mine. Math will always be important but you will find that the key to everything is reading and understanding. Don't lose faith, don't lose heart and just keep doing what you can and I am certain that at some point, maybe not soon, but at some point you will begin to really succeed and after that first real success the rest comes easy.

You'll get through it Cortney.
Your probably a lot better than I am at math anyway.
I hardly practice it, it's probably my worse enemy...
O4U...do not worry about comparing yourself to anyone else. You are your own unique person and there is no one who will ever be comparable to you. Be yourself and continue to always have faith in yourself. You are young...study a bit and be responsible every day but have fun alot.
Yes it is but i am dumb i am bad in school i don't know much math or anything i need to become a vet and my mother ain't much help anyways
Than Study Cortney, I've had to up my math grades, so I tried really hard. Try your hardest.


You are one of my best friends here on BYC and when we meet in real life we will be great friends too. Don't think like that, as I am always te
lling people, think positive, never negative. I always think positive, and good things happen. Pray. Just don't think negative. I always tell people that. Because now in the world a lot of people think negative about themselves, you shouldn't Cort, you are a great person, you know more about rabbits than anyone I know, you love your animals, and your friends, and if you are here than the Lord does want you here. He has you here for a reason. I think your a wonderful friend.


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