30 wk old pullets not laying


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 26, 2010
Sacramento, CA
I have an EE and a black australorp both of these birds are not laying they are about 30 weeks old, i have 2 leghorns that have been laying for about a month now, they are all around the same age. can chickens be sterile? Can anyone help with some knowledge.

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Wow, Lazy butts!
Do they get a lot of treats? They may not be getting the correct protein amounts they need to lay. I would stop all scratch and fruit and fatty foods just feed layer and greens like grass. Nothing else until they start laying.
They are contained in a run? Not free-range...right? Just want to eliminate one possible reason. And they haven't been dropping a lot of feathers, which would indicate molting, right???

If both of these answers are "no" then I'd go with emys' suggestion (wait...yes to "contained in a run" no to the rest...lol)...get rid of any extras...only layer feed, oyster shell, and maybe a little BOSS or something high in protein (eggs are protein) until they lay for you. I've read of some EEs being late layers, but most BAs lay fairly early....
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I am 100% sure they are not roosters, they are confined to a chicken run, and they are not molting as far as i know. I have been mixing some scratch with their food as well as oyster shell. so i wil cut the scratch out immediately.


what is BOSS?

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