36 Orp Eggs In The Bator - Photos!!

And then there were 8



I forgot to tell you that mine are "Homing Orpingtons". As soon as you get them started, they hit the interstate and walk back to WV! Just a little something I forgot to mention..........
Hahahaha! Your eggs were the first pipped and I expected to see them first this morning. Julies pipped and hatched overnight at lightening speed. I think hers are in a bigger hurry to get back to Alabama! I'll make sure the boys head home right away.
I don't have an 'and Girls' key on my keyboard.

It is funny to watch this hatch. First there was 2 from Julie's eggs. Then 2 from Jim's eggs. Then 1 from Julie's and 1 one from Jim's almost at the same time. Then 2 from julie's and then 2 from Jim's. I now have 2 pips in Jim's eggs. The other 3 eggs from Julie and 4 of Jim's aren't doing anything yet.

It is like they are in a hatching competition.

I had to open the bator and take the first 9 out even though I know I am not supposed to. The 10th egg that has finally hatched was pipped and almost zipped. Every time I would go look one or two of the hatched babies was sitting on it. It couldn't get out for all the traffic moving back and forth across it. I took those 9 out and #10 took about 15 minutes of me whistling and out it popped.

I have to say that egg carton hatching has been the cleanest experience in hatching I have ever had. All of the shell bottoms are in the carton. The top is just an egg shell flap like a lid. They sort of have it flipped back and then they spring out of the egg leaving in the shell all the wet messy gooey stuff that makes scrubbing the bator no fun.

I am liking this method. Also the eggs aren't being bowled around causing the babies to be disoriented and have trouble hatching.


3 of Julie's babies

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