36 Orp Eggs In The Bator - Photos!!

When you say pics you mean pics. They are so beautiful and so many,
congratulations and thanks for the pictures.
One of your chicks looks JUST like Groucho Marks,
to me!! It is the fifth picture under Jim's Eggs!! Adorable pictures..Thanks for sharing...Dixie
MissPrissy you really do know 99% of people with blue orphs you probably are the person on here with the most diverse flock being created.

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That is exactly what I am trying to do, Henry.

I have the pair of blues with the female that could start to lay any day now if she wants to! She is nearing 23 weeks. The females from the eggs I hatched from Jim will go in with him when they grow out.

The females from the eggs I hatched from Bamachicken will go in with the splash I am growing out from the eggs I hatched from Tuffoldhen.

Any of the eggs that hatch out female from the eggs I have now from Korfus Kluckers will be divided between them. I am anticipating the day 7 candling!

I want a nice black cockeral to put in with the pullets I hatched out of TOH's eggs. I was hoping to get that from Gordie's black orps but that entire hatch failed. It may be fall before I try black orps again. (I am limited right now with my bators as I am hatching geese, ducks and turkeys before the egg season is over with them.

From the last hatch of TOH's eggs I am sure I have 2 blue, a splash and a black pullet. Not a bad at all!

I plan to keep 3 small flocks with a Blue, a Black and a Splash roo. I am completely smitten with these orps.

Now I need me some of Cyn's eggs and hopefully she will be sending me all pullets to shake up the gene pool just a bit more. I will be tempted to keep a second Blue Roo if I get a nice cockeral from her eggs.

I really need a true black. That is what keeps the blue color strong!

F2 of these small flocks should be some good strong blood to breed.

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