3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I'm wondering if I should order chicks for my broody!

Well, the box looked bad so I figured as much. Thanks for trying!! Maybe we'll get a couple.
I have a TJ chick (I call her Josephine) that hatched in July that should start laying soon. Can't wait.

Ideal has their special going right now and I'm wondering if a broody can handle 25... she would be due Dec. 7th, but the eggs in Laree's bator would hatch on the 9th... hmmm....

I need to clear the non-laying hens out of the coop.
Boyfriend bought me a new high powered flashlight to candle with. I'm going to need to figure out what to fit over the top to only view an egg... anyone else need candling services? I can probably candle eggs as far away as Illinois. All of my hatchlings will be named Ray Charles this hatch.

I have seen people put a black toilet plunger top part over the flashlight and it gives you a nice little rubber spot to sit your eggs on to candle. DO IT, Go buy a new plunger and tear that baby apart and try it. You could have the coolest candler yet.

I have missed all of the great people on this thread! It is nice to "see" you all.
Yeah it did get really hot. We put some cardboard with a hole in the middle on it, and it didn't candle as well as my handheld small LED light, unfortunately, and it got wicked hot. And it wasn't even on the highest setting.

5 out of 6 of my duck eggs were developing though. Hard to believe this will be a duckling (if all goes right) in 3 more weeks.

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