3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Mahonri: Congrats on the new eggs arriving! So nice of Laree to incubate those little guys, I mean girls.

Good news on my front, of the three eggs I got yesterday....all have the bullseye, so my little roo is getting some business done

I had 1 out of 9 today with the bullseye! Not bad! Plus I had a hen getting chased (she has spurs and has never liked the attention from roosters - this new roo hasn't accepted that yet) that launched herself into my arms today to get away from him. He's persistent! I bet I'll have some good fertility in 2 weeks.
My turkeys are going to the great oven in the sky tomorrow, so I will FINALLY have space to put the ALoha roo in with the girls I want him lovin' on.

Hopefully his stuff will be in the eggs I set for NYD.
I've had my two roos for over two weeks now. Neither has crowed and neither is getting their business done.

I hope they start soon or my eggs will not be fertile on Dec. 11th.

The Ecoglow also arrived today... so if my flakey broody isn't still on the nest on Dec. 10th, I can use the Ecoglow in my Laree brooder.
... given any of the eggs hatch. The box looked like it had really been through the war., but it was so nice of her to send an extra 5 eggs.

She sent 4 Red Sussex, 6 Coronation Sussex, two Sumatras, a couple mottled javas, a polish and some buffs... I don't know what the buffs are, I'm imagining, Buff Sussex..
All this excitement over roos
...My hatching rate on the small loads...primarily roos....these silkies and BCM I have in now better be better
I want to know how turkey heaven turns out Laree! I think I got lucky when buying 2 RB poults and got a hen and tom...so they are going nowhere soon

Sending good vibes on fertility peoples:D
So the other day DH says he ordered me something on the internet. The box arrived today.Oddly enough it is actually JUST what I needed and something I was looking for but never mentioned to him. LOL


It's a shoe scraper/cleaner to put outside the door! No more chicken poop on EVERY pair of shoes I own! I love a man that knows how to shop for me.

I sure hope my chickens get their acts together before it's time to collect for this hatch. everything is so wishy washy right now
Gotta love a man with his woman in mind...I have one pair of flip flops, (scraping as I come to the house) I leave sit outside on the patio...then granddaughter tries to walk through the house with them...sheesh...wishing you luck on your wishy washy too
Buenos dias todos! (G'mornin' all!)

21 days till we set 42 days to hatch! Wahoo.

How are the eggies doing Laree?!

Off to HD to buy some more sod!

...They are still eggs, Mahonri. But I AM going to use that pic for my blog.

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