3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

While I wish I could join you all for this hatch, and will watch with avid interest how you do, I am going to hold off until the easter hatch. My one rooster has shown no interest in manliness (other than a really nice crow).

Anyone figure out the dates for easter yet

I'm still not looking forward to the look on my dh's face when he realizes I've plugged the incubator in for this hatch, can't imagine what it will look like for that hatch.

21 days!! woot!
Good morning everyone.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be spending mine putting up a few more runs and finishing up a coop and grow out coop/pen that will be warmer for the older little guys ready to go outside in the winter. And hoping the chickens start laying lots of eggs
I would really love to join you, but I have NO MORE ROOM. In fact, one of my roosts recently broke from too much weight. I guess I'm going to have to put my girls on a diet.
DH repaired it and made it elephant proof (I hope). What do you all do with all the chicks you hatch (particularly the roos)??? I will have to watch and live through all of your hatches. Good luck to all of you!
The roosters are delicious. Honestly, I was a vegetarian since 2002. Then I started hatching in 2010. Roos are hard to sell (but easy to give away to the same fate). But why let someone capitalize on that delicious (and well treated) food? So we learned how to do it and do the roosters a few times a year (when they get obnoxious). Now the only meat I eat is still our raised roosters, but it's a start.

The girls are very easy to sell, usually. This hatch is good timing, because around here the swaps start up and everyone starts looking for females around April. With this hatch I now have almost POL pullets for sale in April. Last April they were gone within 5 minutes of my arrival to the first swap.
My BW roo (Junior) looked like he mated successfully with a BW hen and an OE hen. The splash roo is still afraid of all of the other birds... and he's the biggest!

still no crowing.
Congrats and no crowing to boot! I watched my guy with the phoenix today, they squat he does his thing, no screaming
I also watched him with a barred rock (got her first egg today and bullseye). Dominique still chases him. Now when will the EE's lay?
All of my roos are banty. (Or popcorn chicken as my son would say.) Are they worth processing?
What do you get when you cross LF hens with banty roos? I think all of their eggs are fertile, (my boys are very determined) but would anyone want to buy the (mixed) chicks? I think I now have a LF roo, but since he is only 3 or 4 wks old, it will be a while for him!

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