3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Must have Great Southern Camoodle!
Or, a pair would be even better!!
I have 4 broodies in the nest boxes. I can't put them in my "break the broody" pen, cause I have chicks in there.
How long can they stay broody without ill effects? If/when I have chicks hatch, can I put them under these 4 if they are still broody? Do I need a separate pen for each of them? That would definitely be a problem!
When do you usually put chicks in with the flock, and how do you introduce them? Now that I'm free ranging, do you need to keep everyone locked up in the pen for a period of time, or will the older ones tell the young ones when/where to go at night?

Plus I have two hens that have gone AWOL. I am almost certain at least one was broody and upset because I kept taking her eggs. Something may have gotten them, but haven't found any signs of "destruction", so they may be hiding out somewhere starting their own NYD Hatch. In which case, I may end up with more chicks than eggs set. Bet that doesn't happen too often.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I think a picture to show us how beautiful she is is warranted here!!

I agree!
I also have an update on my NYD eggs, I went to turn them last night and the thermometer read 105f!

After nearly having heart failure I reminded myself that thermometer is reading a degree high so it was actually only 104f and I usually run the 'bator at 102f so it wasn't that bad but still freaked me out. I whipped the lid off, adjusted the thermostat and grabbed my candling torch. The eggs I checked were looking fine so I turned them all and left the 'bator to settle down. Happy to say it's now holding perfectly again.

I'm not sure why it was misbehaving. I've had it set as the same adjustment for several hatches and if was fine. Had to turn it up this hatch as it was just a little cool. Now it's back at the same adjustment it was at before. I don't get it?

When do babies start making their own heat? I usually use this one as a hatcher so maybe that's it?
Oh no! Sorry to hear about your quitters! Still sitting on my hands here....

So if day 10 EVER comes.... I'm looking for movement, right? Cause I gotta say, all those candled egg pics that I've been staring at look very much the same to me. I think smell test, and look for movement.
Day 5 Major Events:
The reproductive organs begin to form.

The bones of the legs begin to form.

The crop begins to form.

Day 6 Major Events:
The beak becomes visible.

The wing bends at the elbow.

The allantois begins to fuse with the chorion.

The ribs begin to appear.

The gizzard begins to form.

The intestines begin to loop.
Gak. Total incubator fail. Thermostat totally went and did not turn off the heat. Got up to 120. So sorry Dar. The Icelandics were very fertile, the TJ's all a no-go. The Bargains were about 50%.
Fail on 66 eggs.

Back to the drawing board.

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