3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Do you know any better ways to dry-hatch? And what ammount of humidity is required for different types of eggs, like duck and turkey? Are there any websites that haveinformation on it? Sorry if I'm asking too much, y'all are probably blinking owlishly, thinking, something along the lines of 'cant this person just google it?'well, google and yahoo are unreliable. So is wiki, coz at my age, I read and NEVER FORGET some things, and I just follow my insincts on what's right an wrong and I usually do fine.

Sooo, how do people manage to raise silkies? I can nver get mine to live...
OH don't say that! I just set 14 silkie eggs... shipped eggs, at that.

I have resisted the silkie mind control until now. I don't have and never have had silkies, but my friend HHandbasket has 3 in her flock. Pictures don't do those little poofy things justice! They have to be live and in front of you before you see how flippin' cute they are! They gots personalities!

First attempt at incubating silkie eggs. Two Brinsea MiniAdvance units, one with a humidity pump and one without, each holding 7 eggs.

The incubation table is full! The 77 eggs for the NYD Hatch are in three Octagon20 Advance EX 'bators.
My first attempt at hatching shipped silkie eggs, I ended up with a 78% hatch rate. I think Silkies can be more sensitive to parasites, internal and external.

Good luck to you.
Do you mean that they die after they've hatched, after they're in lockdown, after a week in the incubator???

Oh my, such bad luck. I was just out playing/taking pictures of the silkies I hatched in November and trying to decide which ones I'm going to sell. I have around 10 black ones, 2 white ones, and 1 showgirl. They're all so sweet and inquisitive. Such a hard decision and, as of right now, they're all staying. Did I mention I've got 2 different batches of mostly silkies in brooders in the house too with 15 or so more silkie eggs due to hatch on Saturday or Sunday....and 20 silkie eggs ready to go in the 'bator? Oh, almost forgot, I won an auction for .... yep silkie eggs, 12 of them, and they arrive tomorrow. The silkie mind control has me in it's wee little grip.

The only advice I have for you is to keep asking questions and keep incubating those eggs.

Hey, hello. You got a treat?

I would love to try em again, I go rid of all my bantams sevra months ago coz they were 'disappearing'. I only have Nofy, short for no feathers bc she used to be bald. Can u believe how a standard ad a bantam can 'cross'? Its odd.

I agree, silkies must be too tender. I don't worm my chickens coz my mom sells the eggs. And tractor supply doesn't sell organic dewormer. D.E I've tried, but it didn't work.

Seriously, I try something other people by the thousands can do, and yet, I fail... so depressing...

I'm going to hatch americaunas next year, does anyone live in Florida who would trade me for some silkies? I don't care what kind.

And is there any dewormers that don't require mass 2 week egg withdrawl?
Omigod. So CUUUUUTE! That's a naked neck silkie, right? Its gorgeous... andi haven't tried silkies in a couple years. I don't know anyone who'll sell me any eggs, and I'm not paying 3$ an egg from a hatchery...
oh my, is that an ostrich?!
i'm guessing its really a showgirl but boy does it look ostrich-like, and strangely adorable,

x2 I must not succumb to the cute of silkies!

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