3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Okay, I was wrong. The 4th egg zipped and out came another Barnevelder!

I candled my last 3 eggs. The two Barnevelder eggs are a no-go, but the EE egg is a maybe. It looks like something is in there.
I'm going to just let it sit and see what comes up, if anything.
I've got an egg pipping and I heard cheeps too! I live in Washington state so I'm on a later timezone. I'm impressed at the early motivation of this egg. Could I have a chick in the morning?!
Well I'm sure my hatch isn't gonna happen, but I've been checking anyway. Thing I'll just go to bed. I'm
for all of you.

Here chickie chickie chickie!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd better get some sleep soon. My last egg that has a pip looks like it may start to make it's move soon.

The BWA has just laid there in it's egg since it popped it's top. I guess it was very tired.

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