3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

eggs only pip while you blink

My goodness, taken me forever to catch up. Up lots last night listening to peeps and trying to count unhatched eggs without turning lights on. Found a hardware store IN Ocean City that has brooder lamps on sale, I did NOT think I would need it already, think they'll have chick food too? That would just be too sweet! Now if only they are open on New Year's Eve... Nobody is quite as fluffed up as I would like them to be before taking them out... Of course this being my first time, I'm not sure when to take them out, but my guess is that they should be completely dry, and I guess it needs to be before tomorrow afternoon because that would be 48 hrs with no food or water.

The count this morning is 15! I'm concerned about the chicks that pipped yesterday and are not zipping.

Are we allowed to have favorites? Because this little LCO darling is a frontrunner for me.

That's a beautiful rooster, but, your coop is too clean, you're disqualified....

sorry... a bit punchy here... lack of sleep...

You sure it's just lack of sleep......and not the "cool aid" making you "punchy"!!!
Update: One of my three emu eggs, due the second week in January started stinking. We cracked it open to find only rotten egg inside. No sign of a chick so I guess it wasn't fertile. The other two eggs don't stink so maybe that's a good sign. I wish there was a way to candle an emu egg.
So I go up every three hours (the joy of being pregnant) to check on the hatch. 2 others hatched before this little guy that had pipped 39 hours before, finally at 6 am, I noticed he decided to start a whole new pip and had gotten all the around was was stuck, with his butt up between the eggs shells, I intervened and pulled the shell apart and the little booger popped out and was already mostly dry. But hes out and peeped like crazy until i pulled him out of the bator and put him with his buddies. I have 2 more pipped, so I am hoping for more! Pictures to come after breakfast.

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