3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!


No free ranging for those babies!!!! You and your hawks!
Haven't caught up yet but... Happy 2012 Everyone!!

My lazy pip FINALLY made progress, and busted out of her shell this morn, one of the mystery eggs, I was SOOO worried, do NOT want to lose another one so close the finish line. At 1am 4 of the unhatched eggs cheeped when I tapped. At 4am 2 of the eggs that did NOT cheep when tapped were completely hatched! So I am not giving up hope on the ones that are left.

What be a NN? Is this Naked Neck?

AK Michelle: -6?? Is that what your temp was last night?? Pray tell, what is it this morning?

Been up most of last night with dental pain, Mahroni, do you make house calls? If you hurry, you can join my DH in the polar bear swim at 2. Seriously though, I believe I will be camped on my dentists doorstep Monday morn.

This is where the icy dip will take place in a few hours:

Yup, a Naked Neck!
Only one NN so far, but I just pulled 12 chicks from the bator and have more pips.
I think one might have died in shell due to vein pip, but will investigate more later after everyone is re-humidified..

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Four of my sons did their polar bear dip into our pool just after midnight last night. I couldn't hear the fireworks or gunshots for a while because of their screams.... and their ages are 23,19,17 and 14! Our neighborhood is insane when it comes to midnight on New Years Eve. Crazies shooting off guns, lots of illegal fireworks and lots of noise. Our poor dog was going bonkers and it took me a long time to calm her down.

If your dentist is like me, I won't be into the office until TUESDAY morning. BUT I did have one of my 84 year old patients call me last evening saying her upper left tooth had broken and part of it was just hanging there. I'll see her at my office today at 2PM after Church.

I hope I don't end up having to extract the tooth as the last time I did a bridge on her it was drama, but she's a sweetheart.
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Well, my NYD is done...only had 9 eggs to set 6 went to lock down and at 3:30 yesterday I had 6 pips and at 1:30 last night all were out! I didn't take a pic, and I have no idea how to post it if I did! Happy New Year! and good luck everyone!

I got a surprise! Seven out of the nine! I candled them at lock down...have a split hatch going on AND didn't mark the eggs...I wasn't planning on adding more eggs..you know how it goes.... So it hatched all alone in the bator and the others in the hatcher...
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As much chirping and eggs rocking we've seen over the last 36 hours, I really expected to see a pip. One was chirping so loud overnight, that it woke me and I heard it over the fan we sleep to. But nothing. No pips, and now we're a day late....things aren't looking good

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