3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Jim the blue boy is crying and crying. I did slip him out for a minute, set him on the table and he ran right to me. He is super friendly and not afraid of me so far. I had to put him back in the incubator though and now he won't stop peeping at me.

I think I might have a new lap chicken.
I help too. First get the shower going on HOT and get the bathroom all steamy. Then I get the egg and run it into the bathroom. I start picking off the shell (leaving the membrane). Once I get the shell off I start with the membrane. If it bleeds a little, it's ok. I also run my hands under warm water and wet the membrane as needed. If it bleeds a lot I take a damp piece of cut towel, wrap the bottom of the egg in it and set it back in the bator for a few hours. Repeat as needed.

They're a wee bit crusty for a few days, but they eventually fluff out nice.
I wonder how many people go and buy chickens for easter, but then when they aren't cute and fluffy no more, they get rid of them.

Do you know what hatcheries do with extra chickens they hatch?
Thank you SCG! That's pretty close to what I do too. I sent DH in to see what was going on but couldn't help myself, I went to peek too. Wouldn't you know it???? The little black silkie made it out on her own! I'm SO glad. I want to help but I've had that go both ways. As of now, 1/2 of the silkies that made it to lockdown have hatched.
Good morning all Peoples, Peeps and Pips!

Like a scene of a kid at Christmas, the first thing upon waking was rushing to the bator to see what new surprise was there!
Got a few more Marans out (although, frankly, unless I up-end the chicks I cannot tell... Next time won't hatch all yellow chicks), have 3 Marans eggs and one Faverolles egg that are just silently sitting there, the one Faverolle egg with the pip has cracked it a little bit more, but nothing industrious....and Token the TJ's egg has pipped! So I guess the little chickies that have hatched out can just hang out in the incubator...they're -- what -- not even 24 hours old yet and so it shouldn't be detrimental (except to my sanity as they're clunking around like they've got little lead booties on)

Thanks! It was close, wasn't it? The egg wasn't even the egg I had pegged at 11:00 p.m. to do it, but I guess it was inspired by my earlybird 11:40 p.m. hatcher to get zipping. You should've heard all the noise at this house and the cheering when he/she/it finally pushed the shell and fell forward. Guess we'll name the chick Bravo... Whichever one it was. (Again, the perils of having 14 yellow chicks in the bator) You could name your *very cute chick* Contender/Contenda. (even I just groaned...)

Happy New Year, Everybody! May your year be filled with bright promise, good fortune, happy chickens, and great hatches!

(edited for spelling... Where IS my coffee?)
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I would open it up for the chick, at least a little bit. They've gone so long, I would chance it.

I'm quite the meddler!! I can't stand that I've watched so many pip and die. If they have pipped and it's been over 6 hours, I panic. Yesterday I popped the top off of one, woke up this am to find that she finally popped out. It was kinda cool (and scary) to watch her "mouth" peeps and stay in the egg all curled up. She pipped early and just nothing was happening... I'm sorry if you don't approve, but, like I said, I've seen too many die fully formed, in the shell and thought "what would have happened if I helped?"
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So many chicks!!

I woke up to a doubling of the chick population in my incubator
have 8 chicks!! 4 of which are shipped eggs from BHep. I'm still waiting on the possible NN and a pretty blue egg. Would be fun if they both hatched.
Since the Brinsea has side to side feather carpet, I have no idea who has pipped, and I don't want to pull out the fuzzy buns until after church.

I'm looking at the chicks and wondering who came from what egg...
BHep, I may need some help!!! Will post pictures later.
What a good dentist you are! I hope your client treasures you as those that go above and beyond to be of service. Kinda reminds me of an ill-fated at-home hair coloring incident gone awry many years ago that left my head a shade -- I kid you not -- of California poppy. It was shocking and horrid (I could've robbed a bank nekkid and nobody would've noticed anything else BUT that hair). My hairdresser graciously opened her shop early on Sunday morning and snuck me in there to fix it. To this day I remember her kindness -- what -- 1.5 decades later. She was much beloved and I was sad to have moved. The good ones are SO special!

Wish you were closer to be my dentist....but it sounds like your roster is full!
Well, I now have 14 little fuzzies! 5 were in the brooder already (early birds) so I had 9 hatch while I was snoozing. The first New Years one hatched at 3:02 a.m.
Took a closer look at my hatchings.... One is a Naked Neck!!!
? or
? and the egg marked NN? is still sitting there in one piece. Cutest little thing. Gonna go knit it a scarf.

edited to add... don't need help with that one BHep.
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