3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Looks like our hatch is wrapping itself up.

My SFH chick with the curved toes is starting to dwindle. I hope it makes it.

I got the grow out pen ready with a heat lamp so three weeks from now I can move all of them there and prepare the brooder box for my purebred Wheaten Ameraucana hatch for Ground Hogs Day.

Got a PM from a breeder today telling me she'll be sending me eggs on March 12th for our Easter Hatch. WAHOO.
Mahonri, get thee to a pet store and collect some baby parrot formula. I swear by this stuff, and it will help that baby.


Looks like our hatch is wrapping itself up.

My SFH chick with the curved toes is starting to dwindle. I hope it makes it.

I got the grow out pen ready with a heat lamp so three weeks from now I can move all of them there and prepare the brooder box for my purebred Wheaten Ameraucana hatch for Ground Hogs Day.

Got a PM from a breeder today telling me she'll be sending me eggs on March 12th for our Easter Hatch. WAHOO.
I agree. He is a strong little guy. It's been driving me crazy waiting for him to hatch!! I just want to see what he looks like already!!

I keep telling him he needs to hurry so I can see how cute he is. He just taps on the egg shell a little slower cause I said something about it.

As for the Duck Diapers, I think I may just be killed for that one. Since the Chocolate Cake Incident with Puffles chickens are no longer aloud in the house as adults. I can't imagine the look I'd get when I told dad I had a House Duck!

Anything yet ????
It's time for CombWatch now... I have suspicions of roodom on 3 out of 5 of my speckled sussex that hatched. Hope they have some good sales this weekend, looks like I'm going to need a chest freezer.

The polish are starting to look ridiculous, and I love it.
It's time for CombWatch now... I have suspicions of roodom on 3 out of 5 of my speckled sussex that hatched. Hope they have some good sales this weekend, looks like I'm going to need a chest freezer.

The polish are starting to look ridiculous, and I love it.

So far I have two almost for sure roos in my 21 chicks. Obviously there will be more, but they haven't shown themselves yet. :p One is a huge, slow feathering and agressive brahma mix, the other is my little one eyed barred rock, who as expected is feathering in as a roo. The rest of the chicks I can't even guess at yet. :p
I'm almost certain I have 3 girls and 2 boys on my ducks, too. Two have been silent and 3 have been making quack like noises.

Luckily the little duck buggers are starting to feather out. They are 3 weeks old, now. Hopefully they'll be fully feathered in another week or two... and of course it's finally getting cold out, too. It's going to be sub zero the next two nights... so maybe they'll go out during the day and then come back in at night.

I'm also getting 4 "rescue" hens from a coworker this weekend. He never got the chance to finish his coop so they've been living outside. They're going to need to be wormed and treated for lice/mites so they'll be in cages for at least the next week to 10 days so they can get 2 treatments before going in with my flock.

It's turning into a zoo around here.
Mahonri, get thee to a pet store and collect some baby parrot formula. I swear by this stuff, and it will help that baby.


I used my Montel blender to do make some chick mash. I gave that to "her" and she is doing much today. I also re taped her curved toes onto hard paper. When I took it of the other day, the toes curved right back again and the other chicks picked on them until they bled. So I put neosporin on them and re-taped them into correct positions.

I'm ready to move my broody and her four Jenn chicks into another grow out pen and put the big bullys from the brooder into another grow out pen to keep them away from the smaller chicks.
I lost Miss Puffles today. This morning at around 3:27a.m. I awoke to the sound of chicken screams. I burst outside and found that a Coon had snatched her. I put her in a box next the fire with a very soft blanket in hopes that she would be doing better in the morning. Well, she wasn't and I could see she was suffering.

I told her all about Chicken Heaven and how wonderful it is and then, as gently and quickly as possible, I sent her away to live there.

She is buried in the garden with a large piece of chocolate cake and a tombstone over her grave with a lovely orchid in a vase to mark it.

R.I.P Miss Puffles and I pray that Chicken Heaven is a wonderful place.

The Duck Egg has hatched and I have a wonderful little yellow duckling. He is healthy and strong and extremely adorable. He is my little miracle baby who survived 3 incubator unplugs, 2 temp. spikes up to 120*F, and being at 80*F for who knows how long.

In light of recent events I have no pictures yet, but I will as soon as possible.

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