3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Mine went out Sunday and boy are they excited! They now have a perch to climb! When I did chores last night the little Iowa Blues were roosting already. They are a ragged looking bunch!
Mine were out, but I had to go out of town and I only had someone coming by a couple of times, so I moved them back inside for the weekend. They are back outside and loving it!!!
Mine are still in a brooder in the garage. But I'm out of town this week, when I get home this weekend, they are moving to an outside pen. They need to move out so there's room for the Valentine's hatch. I have 45 eggs "cooking" with at least 2/3 developing.

I still have my chicks and ducks in the basement, although the ducks have been outside twice, now, during the day. This morning (at 0315 - I have to be up early for work today, lucky me) I'm down there cleaning them up in preparation to start our day, and I hear this strange noise, a noise I've heard recently but chalked up to "noises that hungry large ducks make when SCG is tired" - but today I'm standing over the duck brooder and the noise is NOT coming from there. So I chalk it up to, "weird noises that the basement makes when SCG is tired."

Next I go to check on the chicks.

I'm standing there, tired, half stupefied, enjoying le cute of my showgirls and one of my speckled sussex chicks CROWS. Twice.

I did not hallucinate this.
I will be moving my play pen full out this weekend for sure ! I re-homed 10. I have NO clue what I will be doing with all these babies.
These are all my favorites !

My two SFH survivors just keep looking better. The one with the crooked toes will be that way forever but the other one that I think is a roo, is really going to be EYE candy. I'm thinking I'm going to have to let Laree have them to breed and then give me eggs to hatch because I can't have a roo.

I have 13 SFH.... I have 1 gray hen with crooked toes. It does not seem to bother her at all. I have 1 crested rooster for sure from my 1st batch, the other 5 are hens.

My 2nd batch of 8, I think there is another crested rooster. I don't see any other rooster ish looking chicks.

I am thinking I should not breed the crooked toe hen and add her to my layers, I have not been able to determine if that is hereditary or chance.

I really need to get individual pics of each bird....each is as pretty as the next.
I still have all 10 of my NYD chicks. I only had 1 of 4 SFHs hatch, but it is crested. I haven't decided pullet or roo, but I've been out of town for a week and won't get back home until Saturday night, so may be able to decide then. If not, I'll post a pic for consensus.
I had high hopes of getting my chicks out during the 50 degree weather we had this past Tuesday and Wednesday, but alas, I fell victim to a severe "stay in bed with the covers over my head, shaking all over with fever" attack which lasted 3 very long days. Today, I had my first solid food since Monday. Now, assuming I can get cooperation from the fam, we will be getting all the little chickies out this weekend. Please pray for me that DH comes home in a reasonably good mood, lol.

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