3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

What color variation is your BLRW roo listed on page 1?

I'll bring a pack or 2 of bottled water. I was thinking to do a relish tray (olives, pickles, etc.) because that stuff travels well. And I was thinking to do yogurt biscuits if I get time on friday before hand.
The roo that is listed is a dark splash roo. Beautiful boy! If I could keep 3 he would stay here!

Tabs - I can put you down for the relish tray. The rest would be appreciated but not relied upon in case you do not have time. How does that work?
Sorry about the testing. Did you get them from a tested flock?
Well what would you like to bring? We do not have anyone signed up for rolls or for drinks...
Oh! I was going to ask about drinks...I was wondering if it was bring your own drinks?
Originally Posted by aceschix

That would make it easier wouldn't it?!?

Would everyone mind if we said BYOB? Everyone likes different things and this would simplify things.

I think it would be easier than trying to figure out what 50+ people (and children) want to drink. So that brings me to the next question...can hubby bring himself a few beers? Or is that going to be a no-no?
I think it would be easier than trying to figure out what 50+ people (and children) want to drink. So that brings me to the next question...can hubby bring himself a few beers? Or is that going to be a no-no?

I have no problem with that.

I am going to update the first page to BYOBeverage. Thanks for the input!
Hi Everyone........I'm new to all this. I'm from Concord, NH and would like to come to Chickenstock. I purchased 4 pullets two weeks ago and love having the girls in the yard. They are 10 weeks old. I HAVE THE FEVER!! I would love to meet you all next Saturday and learn from all your experiences with your chickens. I am also hoping to purchase a Cochin to add to my small flock. I would love to contribute also ...... what would you like me to bring? What is needed? While reading all the postings here it seems like everyone knows each other? I'm learning that there is a whole new world out there outside of the office!! LOL I've been sitting behind a desk too long.
Hi Everyone........I'm new to all this. I'm from Concord, NH and would like to come to Chickenstock. I purchased 4 pullets two weeks ago and love having the girls in the yard. They are 10 weeks old. I HAVE THE FEVER!! I would love to meet you all next Saturday and learn from all your experiences with your chickens. I am also hoping to purchase a Cochin to add to my small flock. I would love to contribute also ...... what would you like me to bring? What is needed? While reading all the postings here it seems like everyone knows each other? I'm learning that there is a whole new world out there outside of the office!! LOL I've been sitting behind a desk too long.
No, really we do not all know each other. We are just friendly :)

There are a core group of us that have been doing this for 3 years now. Moving the location around NE as people (or their husbands) volunteer to host.

The people who go to the NH swaps will know each other of course. But we are all just crazy chicken people

I raise cochins but have not had time to decide who is staying...it has been way busy here!

If you get a chance to check the potluck list feel free to add something.
The hubby and I will be doing burgers / dogs / keilbasa and such. I think somene is bringing rolls for that.
We still need plastic utensils and cups....

I do not see veggies or green salads - maybe cut onions for burgers...Just shooting in the dark here as I have no idea what all everyone likes.

I hear you on the desk life....you have to break out :)

These are fun people...I can not promise there will be more than 20 people but I can tell you the ones I know are coming are fun! And they will help share their hard won chicken knowledge.
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Hi Everyone........I'm new to all this. I'm from Concord, NH and would like to come to Chickenstock. I purchased 4 pullets two weeks ago and love having the girls in the yard. They are 10 weeks old. I HAVE THE FEVER!! I would love to meet you all next Saturday and learn from all your experiences with your chickens. I am also hoping to purchase a Cochin to add to my small flock. I would love to contribute also ...... what would you like me to bring? What is needed? While reading all the postings here it seems like everyone knows each other? I'm learning that there is a whole new world out there outside of the office!! LOL I've been sitting behind a desk too long.
Hi Memechick
Nope, I don't know anyone here. This will be my first chickenstock, but hopefully not my last.

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