3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Oh and we had one 3 years ago and my husband would love to host it again! Ahhhhhh who would travel to upstate NY? Seriously. We're thinking next September?
Enjoyed my time also. Thank you to all for the information that I came back with. I was tempted to buy one more but...maybe that is why my husband wanted to travel on the motorcycle ;-). He knows me....
Hi Everyone,

I had a wonderful time today ...... look who I came home with!! Meet Maggie Mae .......she is a Cochin X .......... thank you 1Chick Magnet ........ I love her.
Thank you April for all the hard work you did putting this together..........ChickenStock exceeded my expectations and I came home with a precious little girl ... Maggie Mae.
Had a real nice time today. Glad the rain cooled things off but didn't ruin the day. April, thanks to you and hubby for a real nice swap and to all that helped it happen. The raffle gifts were awesome and so was all the food. Every swap should have a nice buffet like that..........lol.
Thank you Travis for the Silver Ameraucanas. They are all comfortable in their own little pen and seem very happy.
Great job everyone!!
Had a great time and loved meeting everyone! A big THANK YOU to April for hosting this. Looking forward to next years already!
We had such a great time!

Thank you all who made the trip! Thank you all who contributed!

We may just have to do it again. :)

Won some great raffle stuff!

Who made the potatoe salad wirh bacon on the top? We need the recipe.....

Glad you had a good time....I saw a lot of happy people...you did have a good time right? :)
We were really happy to be there, although my kids are just a bit young for it I think. Would definitely had stayed longer and enjoyed the good food if I hadn't had them with me. A few more years from now and they'll both be all over Chickenstock, I'm sure! ;)

I am just so glad I stumbled upon this site and this thread when I did. Though I drooled over the gorgeous breeding pairs/trios/quads that were there, I ended up with four new chicks (all pullets we hope) and I couldn't be happier tonight as I'm watching them snuggle in their nice warm brooder box. My kids are thrilled to say the least!

Thanks to everyone who helped put this on! :)

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