3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

I can send you eggs if you want to try again. New roo...

You know I always want some!!! Maybe in Spring!!!??? Im trying to line up folks who are breeding just splash and I swear when I get my hands on some..thats what I will breed! Just splash dangit! Lol
I don't have Silver laced Wyandottes but we do have Silver laced Cochins. Standard size.

We will have some at the Chichester swap tomorrow.

Get out! Sl cochins? Photos photos!!!

And for the love of Pete people does anyone maybe have splash cochins? Lol

It's for my 9 year old and she just has her heart set on wyandotte and since she is paying for it, I guess she gets to pick it.  :idunno I tried all afternoon in talking her into the cochin instead.  She just really wants the wyandotte.  And we can't make it to Chichester tomorrow anyhow, but man that would be easy...15-20 minutes from my house!!!
Splash is so pretty!

How old are they? Are the sexed or straight run? I will be checking out the swap tomorrow. Excited to see your Cochins. I think they are my favorite breed so far! :)
They are straight run. I have babies at different ages right now. I also have some of Aprils splash Cochins but they aren't laying yet. They are really truning out nice.
How old are they? Are the sexed or straight run? I will be checking out the swap tomorrow. Excited to see your Cochins. I think they are my favorite breed so far!
What makes them your favorite? I would love some ammo so I don't have to drive to VT to pick up a wyandotte! I will re-arrange my plans tomorrow if I can talk her into it. Right now she is mostly hung up on the size. She isn't crazy about their feathered legs/feet either.
They are also my favorite breed. They are so docile and sweet. Big butterballs. I haven't met a cochin rooster I haven't liked so far. Can say the same for other breeds. They are also very winter hardy and they are usually the choice of judges for kids to show at the fairs and shows. They also love to be held and like to talk to you.
nhnanna, you said they are straight run? Did you mean the SL or the splash are straight run? I'm not going to keep trying to talk her into the cochin if it is straight run! I seriously have the worst luck when it comes to roos! Although, I am *thinking* that the GL/tolbunt polish I got from sonew are going to both be girls....I still see no sign of pink or red in the combs, no wattles, it doesn't look like any points on the saddle or hackle feathers yet either.
Ok, with one boy out of the two, but will be sad if both are boys! Time will tell. Hey Nat, do you know what their hatch date is so I can keep track of how old they are?
Yes the Silver laced are straight run. I can usually tell by how they feather in if they are boys or girls at the age these are. The boys feather in much slower and almost look naked compared to the girls.
Yes the Silver laced are straight run. I can usually tell by how they feather in if they are boys or girls at the age these are. The boys feather in much slower and almost look naked compared to the girls.
So do you *think* you have pullets (on the smooth ones)????? I wouldn't hold it against you if you were wrong...
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