3rd Handmade Jewelry and jewelry Supplies Swap!!! NEW NEW 3rd Swap!!!

ps, you have me on the list twice, once toward the top and on the bottom as well x4. So please dont send me 5 or I will have to go buy some beads LMAO
Yeah I just noticed that too. I will send you only 4 LOL!!! Brain fart darn kid germs. excuse my language
Maililng both of my gifts out tomorrow

DC# 03091830000051988867
DC# 03091830000051988874

I hope my buddies like what I sent.. I'am running low on beads so it is not my usual stuff.. ( I try to send more than ten dollars worth)I hope there will be some good sales soon
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sent out to momsfolly, bare bottom, and beekercat. Solarquail I will try to get yours out like mondayish... I wanted to go through all those findings and see if I have something in there for you. Hope you ladies like what I am sending. Not my usual hoard of TONS of beads but I always send way more than 10 bucks worth LMAO. Okey dokey. Let me know when you all get em!
Hopefully mine will be out tomorrow. Mother in Law fell and broke her hip Wednesday, she had surgery last night and is doing as well as to be expected. Mamaw turned 92 last week. I have spent the last two days with her she is very frail and dementia has started to set in.
Please add her to your prayers.

Suzy I will try super hard to get this out tomorrow, it is packaged up.

will be sending mine out monday. cant wait to get mine. although why didnt suzy send everyones there partners i got a PM last time.

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