4/12/12 Setting Date--Anyone joining me?

Oh, I love that picture, AuntHattie!

I really want to candle, but where it's at the elementary school, it's easier said than done. Tons of light everywhere. I am going into put up a teacher appreciation poster this afternoon, maybe I'll try to sneak the eggs away to a dark closet while I'm there.

The kids named the eggs, and I'm laughing at the names. There's:

Hahaha looks like the kids are naming more roos than hens. Which usually seems to be what we get in hatching eggs. Ha! Dolphin?? Where did that one come from. Too funny!
I need to hatch my eggs somewhere away from my house then I wouldn't be so tempted to keep candling the eggs every few days! It is so tempting! They just sit next to my computer so I've been trying not to be at my computer much. Glad the weather is so nice I have been outside with my chickens in the garden. I've promise myself the next candling will be on the 10 th day.
I candled 2 of the five eggs today that are under the broodies and both showed signs of life. I can't see how the are surviving with those two hens! They are always stealing each others eggs! The little chick just takes care of itself and of course entertains itself by jumping on them. It is really fun watching them.
Hi everyone! Just joined because I noticed you guys started 4/12/12, I placed my eggs 4/13/12 at 8 PM, Hopefully we all have good luck!
I'm sure hoping for some.. I'm using a homemade incubator and Trader Joe eggs... I candling earlier today and 1 out of 4 actually looks promising! I could have sworn i saw a heart beat!
I'll Hopefully be posting pictures as this is my first time. Good luck everyone can't wait to see all the results!
Boy howdy guys!

Has anyone candled yet? I'm going to candle when I get home tonight. I did on day 3 and saw some promising results, but I will do so today for better idea on whats happening inside.
Yep! I candled on day 5, just like I said I would.

All seven eggs looked like this:

Dolphin was actually my daughter's contribution- she is obsessed with all things dolphin, and when she piped up with dolphin, the other kids went along. When they named the 6th egg Fred, I begged them to give the last egg a girl name because I don't want all boys!
I'm new to incubating and BYC. I set some eggs 11 April late evening so hatching should be same time as you guys and girls. My eggs are Gold Laced Orpington Dad and Jersey Giant Mums. Good luck!
I have candled several times. Can't help myself!!! We are down to 4 eggs out of the 13 we started with. Each of the 4 are very wiggly! We are on day 9 tomorrow. I hope I have more than one to hatch!!! Praying all 4 make it.
I candled tonight....day 7.

I started out with 9 silver laced wyandottes, 7 blue laced wyandottes, and 12 blue/black/splash Ameraucanas.

Zero out of the 8 silver laced wyandottes are viable. There were no signs of any development whatsoever.

2 of the 7 blue laced wyandottes have signs of development.

9 of the 12 b/b/s ameraucanas show very good signs of development.

So out of 26 eggs....I have a chance with 11.
First time hatching also, set my first incubator on 4/12 with 45 chicken eggs (white and light brown) and 5 duck eggs, set the second 4/17 with 35 chicken eggs (also white and light brown). Don't know what kind of chickens they are from, My dad brought the home, we are incubating for my grandpa because racoons keep stealing them from the farm.

Temp fluctuates from 98 - 102 and I hope that is alright, they are Little Giant Still Air Hova Incubator 9200 from my grandpa. I did have one really bad flair up with the digital thermometer and it read 106
- I'm thinking it was because the backing came off because I have fixed it since and the temps have been normal again. I candled the 4/12 batch yesterday and 1 was cloudy and 2 others had nothing going on. 2 duck eggs were also hard to tell but my dad said to keep them in and check the, again in a few days. I peeked at a few of the 4/17 batch yesterday too and they looked promising. I hope I'm doing it right hehe. I didn't think I would be this into it, I keep catching myself looking up hatching eggs for sale online

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