4/12/12 Setting Date--Anyone joining me?


ETA: - Hope this staggered hatch doesn't affect the eggs I set on the 14th. Hmm... they're turning them by running around the 'bator, right? Nah. I know they'll be okay, I just forgot to move the older eggs to the hatcher because I lost track of time.

Hows everyone else doing? Anyone have any promising numbers going in? Right now I'm at 80-90% as of today. After I get done hatching I'm going to candle again and see where I'm at.
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Orum Poultry, I'm very interested in your staggered hatch. Being new to incubating I put eggs in 5 days apart. 1st 3 are due to go into lockdown this sunday evening but I'm unsure about upping the humidity as the others will be going into lockdown Friday evening. I was contemplating putting the 2nd batch into lockdown on day 19 to give them an extra 12 hours at lower humidity. Thinking I may up humidity to 55% instead of 65-70%. Any thoughts???? (I know it was stupid but I had soooooo many eggs and as they have not cost me anything I thought it would be worth a try)
That's really exciting that you already have chicks hatching!!!! I've never dared do a staggered hatch. Given my small scale incubator, it probably doesn't make sense.

I'm going in today to add water and candle. Last I checked (on day 12), I had 7/7 going. I think I'll lock down late Monday afternoon (that'd be right, right? I set them on Thursday afternoon).
When I do staggered hatches, I make sure there is a 10 day difference in the eggs. Why? Because then I can do this...

Batch no 1. Goes into lockdown, that's three days before hatch... the average hatch takes 3-4 days from start to finish. That's 7 days. That gives me time to get all of the hatched chicks OUT of the incubator, recandle, and lockdown the next batch. Usually, though, I have the hatcher ready and move my hatching batches into it... I lost track of time, this go round.

It gives me plenty of time either way... and I just take those eggs out of the racks, place them on the bottom, and check water levels. I very rarely increase humidity at hatch because I live in a VERY humid climate. VERY humid. 75% and up humid.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it makes sense to me. I have continuing hatches all summer long this way, and all chicks are old enough to go through winter without heat by the time temperatures start dropping.
Yes that does make sense. I'm in UK. Just managed to drop my egg tray back into incubator so I think after the jolt I'll be lucky if any hatch!!! (it has 2 finger tip grips and I lost grip while lowering back into incubator, an inch drop so hop I've not done too much harm) I have 3 due to hatch 1st/2nd may and about 10 6th/7th May. I wouldn't have done a staggered hatch but after putting 12 eggs in 6 were infertile, 1 Quit day 4 and one had broken shell. I suppose everyone has to learn and after this batch I'm only gonna candle days 7/12 &18 in future (I've learnt alot this time round and seen the growth cycle as had a day 10/12 quitter) if these chicks were meant to be they'll hatch if not then theres always another try
So last night was Day 14 for me, and I candled the remaining eggs I had left (11).

4 of the B/B/S Ameraucanas were quitters. I am down to 7.

The one and only BLRW I have left is very questionable with me leaning towards it being a quitter too. Since I cannot confirm for sure, I will leave it in.

So....nearing the end it looks like I might have 7 make it to lockdown. Started with 26!
With the crazy increases and decreases in temperature, the horrible humidity, the power outage, and the cats cutting off the air flow ( laying on all of the vents at once ) surprised to see anyone doing anything.
All seven of mine are still going strong!!!!

Keep your fingers crossed that at least one of them is a BLUE (not splash) pullet.
Well I'm approaching the end of day 20. I have 3 wobbling eggs but no pips or peeps yet.......this incubator watching is becoming a bit of an addiction! Hope everyone else is doing ok
I went in to the school yesterday to lock down. All seven were still alive. I set the eggs out on the table while I took the turner out and put the shelf liner in. We actually saw a couple of the eggs wiggle and start to roll. I was glad I had a teacher in charge of making sure they didn't wiggle themselves right off the table.

I've asked the teacher to try to get permission for me to set up a webcam and broadcast the hatch. I'm not sure if they'll allow it or not, but I'm sure going to try. It'd make me really happy if I could though. I'll keep you posted.

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