4.5 week old Chicks diarrhea


10 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Cumberland, RI
First time raising chicks. So far they seem to be doing great until I noticed some watery diarrhea today. Now that the weather has been getting better, I've been taking them out of the brooder for a few hours each day to walk around in an enclosure in the yard. I have also started giving small amount of treats in addition to their food. They were on medicated feed for first couple weeks (5 lb bag). After they finished that bag, they have been on non medicated feed since. I did give them a small amount of watermelon yesterday and the day before and have since read that that can sometimes cause diarrhea. I'm wondering if I need to treat them at all with Corid or probiotics or if maybe the diarrhea is being caused from the watermelon they ate yesterday? Thank you in advance for any advice!
Limit the treats, since they need to eat mostly chick starter. Make sure they have chick grit to help digest grass and foods other than chick feed. The more fluids they get from water and watery foods, the more watery their poops can be. Their runny poops could be a result of the watermelon or getting outside to eat new things. Watch for continued runny poops, blood in poop, and to see if any are acting weak, puffed up, or not eating.
Good advice - thanks so much! I have given chick grit in the brooder, but not while they are outside, so will start offering that while they are outside as well. It seems to have subsided at least for now, so I'm thinking it was too much melon. But will continue to keep an eye. Going to lay off the treats for a while also. Thanks again :)

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