4 chickens raised together - only 3 eggs since they started laying about 2 1/2 months ago


5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
it is one of my 2 Easter Eggers. What causes no eggs please. I get about 3 eggs/day, the 2 Rhode Island Reds lay wonderfully but only 1 of the Eater Eggers.
Do you free range? Someone could be hiding eggs. Is it possible someone is eating their egg after laying? Are you sure your EEs aren't just alternating the days they lay? Not all lay every day despite an average 24-26 hr cycle. Some girls average only 3-4 eggs a week. She getting enough protein/calcium/nutrition? Can add scrambled eggs, beef scraps, something to supplement protein. I'm sure you've been through this thought process already. Just throwing out a few ideas to help narrow down the problem. Good luck with your girls and their laying!

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