4 day old displaying flock roo behavior


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 22, 2007
Am I seeing things?

I won't go into the dramatic story of these miracle chicks. My BLR Wyandotte broody had her nest plundered, after an animal attack. I found the remains (eggs strewn everywhere) which had spent many hours in 20 degree weather. The eggs were refrigerator cold when I found them. I didn't think they'd make it, and frankly, I thru them in my still-air incubator, not even having a chance to regulate it = just hoping for some survivors. Of 11 eggs collected from around the plundered nest, 3 of them hatched thru some pretty rugged conditions. I sexed them. I think i have 2 females, one male. They are now living large in a brooder box.

What is striking to me is the behavior of ONE of these survivors. OF the three chicks, one was really struggling. It was a day behind the others, and I had to really handle it extra to be sure it was hydrated, fed and kept warm. At times, when I picked it up - I thought I noticed one of it's mates "charging" my hand as I worked with the deficient chick. If I've sexed correctly, this would be the male of the trio. I didn't pay much heed to this - and in a day or so, the deficient chick caught up, learned to eat, and all three are doing fine.

Tonight, I noticed, that the same assertive male seems to be "posting food" for the other two female chicks. Am I dreaming this? It's all of four days old! Is it possible that this instinct occurs this early? His sire is my best roo - who also exhibits this trait... but he's an adult male.

Would a chick this young also demonstrate similar behavior?

I've had chicks who do this(SO cute), along with seeing hens spar just like the rooster as well. It's probably just a instinctual trait letting you know to "back off buddy!" lol. It will be interesting to see, if you keep it, how the attitude is when it grows, if it remains top "dog" or if it changes at all. Fascinating creatures!

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