4 month old banty laying already


8 Years
Jul 17, 2011
Hi.. I am new here and I have a question. I have 9 regular chicks (4 dominiques, 4 yellow stars and 1 Rhode Island Red) that are 4 months old and one little red banty hen that is 4 months old also. The banty started laying cute little brown eggs 2 weeks ago. Isn't she too young? I read that most chickens start laying at 6 months. Also, on three different days I have found 2 eggs in the nest. Two of the second eggs were small like the banty, but the second one on one of the days was large like a regular hen egg. Is this normal?? Thanks for any light anyone can shed on this for me.
Thank you for your response. Is it also not unusual for one wee little
banty to lay 2 eggs per day?

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