4 Week Silkie...Roo?? (Pics)

Thanks everyone! What a great source of information.

Our order was from Mypetchicken.com, and we waited the extra time, just so we could get a Silkie. For the $7 price tag, I'd be slightly disappointed if we didn't get the full real deal. (Not that I planned on showing them.) But they did throw in two...

The Silkie was my compromise with the children, that it would be one chicken we would not consider culling if the laying went down to nil. She would be their faithful pet. Of course, now we have two, and what looks to be a possible roo. I guess if I had to go with a roo, a Silkie would be a nice fancy choice.

Despite my striving for hens, my 5 year old son has been banking on at least one roo because he wants more chicks! Little guy just might get his wish.

Thanks again.

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