4 weeks old Black Australorps

If I were you I'd wait at least few weeks more (if it doesn't begin crowing).
I raise another breeds, but I never had cockerels begin crowing before being 3 or 4 months old.
Wait, did you think I was going to butcher it once it crows? All 3 birds that I'm raising for meat are getting butchered at 18 weeks old.
We have a Delaware who's a week older but is confirmed to be female.
Wait, did you think I was going to butcher it once it crows? All 3 birds that I'm raising for meat are getting butchered at 18 weeks old.
We have a Delaware who's a week older but is confirmed to be female.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood, I thought you didn't want any crowing, so you wanted to butcher it as soon ad it crowed 😅
I just read that you are going to just keep inside the males until the butchering to avoid the neighbours hear the crowings.
Anyways I'd wait 2 weeks more to be pretty sure on the sex, now it both looks like a cockerel or a fast developing pullet
I just needed to know who might be the male so I can start keeping him inside once he crows to prevent our neighbors from reporting us

You could just start bringing that one in at night as soon as you get worried. If you're willing to do it every night until the chick is 18 weeks, then starting a little early isn't likely to make a big difference.

And even if the chick turns out to be a pullet, bringing it in at night won't hurt anything (except that it's one more chore to do each day.)
I'm sorry if I misunderstood, I thought you didn't want any crowing, so you wanted to butcher it as soon ad it crowed 😅
I just read that you are going to just keep inside the males until the butchering to avoid the neighbours hear the crowings.
Anyways I'd wait 2 weeks more to be pretty sure on the sex, now it both looks like a cockerel or a fast developing pullet
Hopefully a fast developing pullet

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